Don’t Be Like Joe! With the Right Help Your Business CAN Create a GREAT eCommerce or CMS Site!


My friend Joe always complains about his technology problems. “We just started to look at a Content Management System and our online store software isn’t doing much for our revenue. Just when I think I’ve found the right solution, I find out my IT team can’t support it.”

Every company wants to establish an online presence to sell products or services and provide portable tools that enable employee collaboration across the enterprise and on the road. CMS, shopping carts, and e-commerce solutions help promote and sell products and generate revenue. They also provide a productive, collaborative environment. But, even if you choose the right eCommerce, portal, or Content Management System (CMS), your business still has to consider other issues. To build a strong foundation, you’ll need an expert who understands cross-platform interoperability, online stores, system integration, and mobile CMS and portal collaborative tools. An experienced IT consultant can build a flexible, affordable environment to support growth and comply with average user skills.


CMS Experts or Fish Bones? The Choice is Clear!

Content Management System

Every business person has seen, and probably used, a Fish Bone Diagram. It’s a proven tool that helps us objectively assess a problem. Last year my team and I created a fish bone in hopes of finding a solution to our Content Management System (CMS) problems. The cause and effect diagram is a visual way to organize data and brainstorm solutions but, in order to use it effectively we had to identify every problem. In the world of the Fish Bone Diagram, we refer to this as ‘knowing your bones’. When it comes to CMS portals, my team doesn’t understand the challenges of design, development, configuration, implementation, integration and support of a CMS system.


A Rock Star IT Consultant Can Help you Take a BITE Out of the Market with CMS, Portals and eCommerce


Sell it, talk about it, work on it, join forces to conquer the business market, shake hands with your customers and bring them back for more! Just about anything you want to do in business can be complemented by a Content Management System (CMS), web portals and eCommerce solutions!

With the rapid growth of web marketing and sales, even the smallest business might find itself competing with regional or global businesses. With a few key strokes, your customers can find and buy products and services from companies in your community, or on the other side of the world!
