Find Out More About Our Organized Feedback Partnership

Partners for the Long-Term, More Than 15 Years of Partnership

In 2001, just two years after the Scottish Parliament was established, it became the first of many organizations throughout the United Kingdom to join hands with Elegant MicroWeb and Organized Feedback (Formerly CommunityPeople, Ltd) of Edinburgh, Scotland, to embrace the concept of eDemocracy.

With remarkable foresight, the Scottish Parliament launched a technology outreach program to involve Members in the political process, and became the first legislature in the world to webcast debates, allowing citizens to discuss proposed legislation online.

Since that time, Organized Feedback and Elegant MicroWeb have sustained a unique collaboration that benefits both parties and, more importantly, serves the people of the United Kingdom by providing crucial eDemocracy and stakeholder collaboration solutions to ensure that citizens and stakeholders have an active voice in the community and in the decisions that will affect the future of their country. This critical partnership also provides applications for innovation and employee idea management to foster innovation, and ensure the democratization of the workplace and the citizens.

Jim Sproat, Managing Director of Organized Feedback says of Elegant MicroWeb, “The collaboration with Elegant MicroWeb and its CEO , Kartik Patel, can serve as a model for all companies both to exploit their comparative advantages and as a way to enter new markets where local knowledge brings dividends. The Scots have for hundreds of years been involved and been made welcome in India and the reciprocal welcome will continue to be made here in Scotland as the values of democracy and our culture are melded with Elegant MicroWeb’s great slogan on their website (which drew us to them all those years ago) – Delivering the Value of Technology.”

Our sixteen-year software development partnerships with Organized Feedback affords us the opportunity to serve the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Parliament, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister UK, the General Medical Council, and more than forty other local authorities and public sector organizations across the U.K. We are pleased to be a part of the democracy process in Scotland, and we look forward to a continued, strong partnership with Organized Feedback and with the Scottish people.

Offshore IT Partnership Case Studies

UK IT Consulting: A Relationship and Solutions Spanning More than a Decade

Elegant MicroWeb has worked hand-in-hand with this U.K. based IT consulting company to create scalable IT solutions with an intuitive user interface, and satisfy the high security, eGovernment and accessibility standards mandated by UK public sector IT standards. Our team was there from project inception, studying competitors and markets, and conducting feasibility studies, building prototypes, building and managing product road maps, and providing implementation and support. We have worked with this partner for more than a decade, providing support and solutions for eConsultation, Event Networking Management, Idea Management, ePetitions and Stakeholder Management and Engagement solutions. Our partner uses these solutions to serve more than 40 public authorities in the U.K., and in Scottish and Welsh parliament, city councils and cities, national parks and numerous other renowned private sector companies.


Performance Management, Benchmarking Product Development & Maintenance

This performance management and benchmarking consulting business in Glasgow, Scotland asked us to create a new solution. The consulting company outgrew the simplistic reporting and analysis foundation provided by standard office tools and spreadsheets, and was concerned about the security of proprietary and confidential data and process models. We created a new solution to produce clear, concise results, reports and direction so the consulting company customers could easily adapt and develop appropriate strategies and market direction and reduce the time required to engage and complete a consultancy project. The resulting Performance Monitoring, Improvement and Analysis Tool provides integrated web-based performance optimization tools designed around the principles of knowledge and activity-based management.


Other Case Studies

Find out more about this partnership, or contact us to explore our products and services and discover how a partnership with Elegant MicroWeb can improve your business results and add value to your customers and stakeholders.