Angular is a valuable addition to your Hybrid Mobile Application Development project. It provides flexibility and many tools developers can leverage to transform your business vision into a real, functioning business asset. In this article, we discuss three of the many Angular development tools your team can employ to achieve your goals.

‘These are just a few of the tools used in Angular development services to deliver hybrid mobile applications, and to perform cross-platform development.’

Here are three Angular development tools your team can leverage to produce the best outcome:

BlurAdmin – The BlurAdmin tool is an administrative dashboard template that brings together components on the front end in a JavaScript environment. It is useful for bootstrapping and utilizes popular UI components. It includes features for Bootstrap CSS Framework, Gulp Build, AnguarJS, Responsive Layout, Sass, JQuery and JQuery UI, Chartist, Chart.js, amChart, Maps, Morris and more.

Stackblitz – The Stackblitz tool is very popular with Angular developers. It allows for browser-based editing of code and applications and enables developers to share code, demos and concepts with the ability to build applications within a browser.

Bit – With Bit.Dev Platform, Angular developers can build shared component libraries and utilize components from applications. This tool streamlines overhead and enables scalability and collaboration. It includes the Bit open-source CLI tool to control versions and allow developers to push components out to be used anywhere they are needed and to allow developers to use components on other projects.

These are just a few of the tools used in Angular development services to deliver the best version of your mobile app or hybrid mobile application, and to perform cross-platform development.

‘Angular provides flexibility and many tools developers can leverage to transform your business vision into a real, functioning business asset.’

Find out how Angular Development Services can help your business succeed. Read our articles, Six Great Applications for the Angular Approach to Development, and  6 Crucial Skills for Angular Development Services and Project Success.’