
If you are not a tech geek, terms like the Cloud, MS Azure and Amazon AWS might make your eyes roll. But, you shouldn’t be afraid of this terminology. In fact, if you are going to succeed in business, you need to know the Cloud and all those other terms, or at least make friends with an expert in these terms, technology and general geek-speak and technique.


Today, every business app and online initiative must leverage and consider the cloud and all supporting technologies and platforms. Tools, platforms and technologies abound and your business must embrace these and engage in re-engineering and Cloud migration efforts, as well as user interface and Ux (user experience) reviews to ensure that your business users, customers and partners can effectively access and use the tools, sites and apps you offer.

If you want to encourage traffic, grab customers, close sales and otherwise provide general happiness to your users, you need to step up and get yourself some of those software reengineering services. I know it may be a bit overwhelming but a good, customer-focused expert can break it down for you and make the Cloud, MS Azure and Amazon AWS seem as simple as finding hay in a haystack! Software Re-Engineering and Cloud Migration