The decision to create a software product is complex and can be overwhelming. While your marketing and sales staff may be excited by the proposition of generating more revenue and improving the visibility of the brand and customer access to products and/or services, the IT staff and executive management team will probably shy away from creating a software product.

If the IT staff does not have experience in creating and supporting software products, the executive team would be right in turning down this kind of project. But, if the concern is about cost and control, and there is a good case for improving customer satisfaction, revenue and branding and optimizing resources and marketing campaigns, the business should seriously consider outsourcing its software product development.


Offshore software development and specifically, offshore software product development can save your business a lot of time, money and frustration. Even if you are able to get management approval to build your own software application you will need to have the cash flow, experience and resources to gather customer or user requirements, evaluate competitive offerings, plan for and manage the development project, design, develop, test, deploy, train, maintain, support and upgrade your software product. That is a lot of money, time and resources and in most cases, none of the required staffing or activities fall within the core competencies of the business.

In nearly all cases (unless your business is software or software product development), your business would be better served by engaging an expert software product development company – one with application integration services, application UI design expertise, testing and quality management processes, and an understanding of industry and governmental compliance, and security standards as well as proven delivery models.

While the idea of outsourced software product development might seem expensive and might raise concerns regarding project control, it would be wise to consider this option. Interview and select a dependable, affordable software product development company. Look for a company that has plenty of references, and a portfolio of case studies to illustrate its results.

If your team has a great software product idea to improve internal productivity or, more importantly, improve customer acquisition and sales revenue, don’t be afraid to explore that opportunity. Open up the discussion and consider employing the expert services of a software product development company. You will find it much easier to sell the project to management and to successfully complete and deploy your product on time and on budget.