
The Disconnects:

Brimming with optimism, businesses tend to apply marketing and lead generation techniques, store business data acquisition in to their CRM’s and do a lot of things in several closely related, but largely disconnected modules.

At least that is how things worked in the regular ERP’s of the world. There is no exception to this, not even Oracle Apps or Microsoft Dynamics ever managed to make any difference on these matters.

The disconnects were serious disconnects, there was no direct synthesis between what working on sales and how marketing is impacting the sales operations.

The biggest disconnect perhaps was in the lack of workflow and process integration towards sales, marketing and invoicing teams.

The field level data and integration with business integration, dynamic value chain developments etc were altogether missing in regular CRM and ERP applications.


This disconnect created the vacuum that led to grand adoption of Salesforce by major corporations across the globe and making it one of the most desired business tools for every sales driven organizations.

The Cutting Edge:

Not only did Salesforce address the organic divides in cross functional teams, it integrates several global processes and phenomenon.

For instance, they made their interfaces appear more like the social media platforms prevailing across the world.

Brought in interactivity and communication, social discovery to enterprise space.

Delivered freedom of customization through the technology and development rollouts.

This includes their platforms, their API’s for connecting with app, development of app development platform/SDK itself and ultimately delivering a vibrant app market place.

Can you think of any other sales process management application doing that?

This is what cutting is all about.

If you need something done right for your sales team, consider Salesforce, better yet, consider working those who understand how Salesforce really works.

Feel Free to Contact Us!

Original Source – How Salesforce Automation Really Works and Whats Cutting Edge in Technology Today!