Predictive Analytics Use Case: Loan Approval!

Predictive Analytics Use Case: Loan Approval!

Perhaps the greatest risk to a lending organization is that presented by loan applicants who are unprepared to fulfill the long-term obligation of paying off a loan. Banks and other lenders spend a lot of time and energy trying to identify the perfect profile for a borrower so they can make the right decision and avoid costly loan defaults and the expense and resources required to take legal action.


Predictive Analytics Use Case: Human Resource Attrition!

Predictive Analytics Use Case: Human Resource Attrition!

You probably know how much it costs to recruit and hire a team member but, do you know how long that team member is likely to stay in your employ and what factors will cause them to stay with the company or seek greener pastures? If you can’t anticipate the need for resources, you are likely to be short-handed at the wrong time, or to experience frequent turnover that will significantly impact your business success and your ability to get the job done.


Predictive Analytics Use Case: Customer Targeting!

Predictive Analytics Use Case: Customer Targeting!

Even with an unlimited budget, it would not be a wise decision for a business to target every customer in the market. If an enterprise is to succeed, it must understand its products and services and it must know the profile of the customer it is targeting.


Predictive Analytics Use Case: Maintenance Management!

Predictive Analytics Use Case: Maintenance Management!

Businesses do not want to be surprised by downtime, equipment failure or the cost of unanticipated equipment replacement. If the enterprise can anticipate the need for equipment maintenance and downtime, it can plan more effectively for product output, resource requirements and expenses.


Predictive Analytics Use Case: Demand Planning!

Predictive Analytics Use Case: Demand Planning!

If a business wishes to optimize inventory, production and supply, it must have a comprehensive demand planning process; one that can forecast for customer segment growth, seasonality, planned product discounting or sales, bundling of products, etc. In order to predict and forecast and assure product or service availability, the business must also look at the dependability of suppliers, shipping and the purchasing of parts that make up the products. It must also plan for appropriate resources and training and, where necessary, plan for new products.
