3 Business Benefits to the Angular Framework for Mobile Apps!

Build Your Hybrid Mobile App with Angular JS and Enjoy Numerous Benefits!

According to a recent study, there are over four (4) million websites using Angular JS. And, when it comes to Hybrid Mobile Apps, Angular is growing in popularity every day and today forms the foundation for mobile apps offered by some very large corporations, including PayPal’s transaction and checkout portal, and Delta Airlines app, which provides real-time access for airfares and booking.

Three Advantages of Working with MEAN Stack for Your Development Project

In our previous article, entitled, ‘The Four Components of the MEAN Stack Framework Streamline and Integrate the Development Environment’, we detailed each of the components of the MEAN Stack framework and how each component contributes to the overall, comprehensive nature of this set of tools. In this article, we discuss three of the many advantages of choosing MEAN stack for your software development project.