Does Embedded BI Support User Decisions?

Where Does Embedded BI Fit in Business Decision-Making?

Recent research reveals five primary benefits for embedding business intelligence into popular business apps and software:

Embedded BI Can Improve Customer Service!

Using Embedded BI to Improve Customer Service and Satisfaction!

As a software solution product and service provider, you are focused on the common issues your customers face, providing features and functionality that will satisfy the most customers and give you an edge in the market.

Embedded BI Ensures User Adoption!

Why Should My Business Adopt Embedded BI and Analytics?

There are many reasons to consider adding embedded BI to your enterprise technology landscape. When you are making a critical business decision, one of the factors you probably include is how your competitors and other businesses are addressing the problems you are trying to solve. When making a decision about Embedded BI consider these survey results. Businesses that are currently using embedded BI within their enterprise, report the following:

Embedded BI Provides Insight Into Enterprise Data!

Embedded BI Can Provide Numerous Benefits to the Team and the Enterprise!

When a business invests in technology, either to buy a best-of-breed solution or to develop their own enterprise apps, there is significant expense. If you are developing your own solution, you are using in-house resources or engaging IT consultants. If you are purchasing solutions off the shelf, you may or may not need customization but, in any case, the solution will cost you quite a bit of money and it will take more funding to support and maintain and integrate that solution.

Embedded BI and Augmented Analytics Support ISV Partner Clients!

How Can Embedded BI Help ISV Partners Improve Revenue and Market Visibility?!

Recent research reveals that 67% of companies surveyed say time spent in their applications increased after they embedded analytics. Why do you suppose that is?

Attention Software Companies: Embed BI Analytics and Win!

Why Spend Time and Money Developing BI? Embed BI in Your Software Product!

The research and technology consulting firm, Gartner predicts that ‘By 2023, overall analytics adoption will increase from 35% to 50%, driven by vertical and domain-specific augmented analytics solutions.’ Whether your software business produces solutions or modules for a vertical market, a specific industry or a government or public service market, building an analytical solution to serve your clients or partners is an expensive, complicated proposition and one that will require significant funding and skilled resources.

Embedded BI with APIs: A Simple Path to OEM and ISV Success!

The technology research and consulting firm, Gartner predicted that ‘By 2023, 60% of organizations will compose components from three or more analytics solutions to build business applications infused with analytics that connect insights to actions.’

Include Embedded BI into Your Business Applications!

A recent survey found that 93% of application teams report improvement in user experience as a result of embedded analytics, and 94% of teams report improved customer satisfaction with embedded analytics. The concept of embedded BI is simple. By leveraging APIs, the augmented analytics solution is embedded within familiar enterprise apps and made available to users via single sign-on so that the user can access  favorite software solutions and applications to perform tasks and use the data contained there to analyze data and make decisions.

How Can I Improve Business Intelligence and Augmented Analytics ROI and TCO?

Business managers, owners and senior executives really want to do the right thing! The goal is always to improve the business, to hire the best staff and to satisfy customers and partners. To do that, the business must build a foundation of business processes, policies, technology and software that will support goals and objectives and make it easier, more timely and more efficient to perform tasks and complete activities.

Case Study : Augmented Analytics OEM Partnership for U.S. Healthcare ERP Business

Augmented Analytics OEM Partnership for U.S. Healthcare ERP Business

Our Partner is a healthcare service provider in the United States providing a web-based, patient-centric, healthcare management solution and workflow solutions to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs for its hospitals and healthcare facility Clients. Since 1999, the Partner has provided services to the durable medical equipment and supply market with solutions that benefit many healthcare organizations and clinics in the U.S.
