Offshore Software Application User Experience Design Services!

Ux Design Services: A Critical Success Factor!

Ux Design is a Crucial Component of Software Product and App Design!

Offshore software application Ux design services are an important component of any prospective software product development or application development project. Every aspect of the software development lifecycle is important. From concept to specifications, design, and development through testing, implementation, support, enhancement and maintenance tasks – the business that sets out to develop a site, an app or a software product must ensure that offshore services are reputable, cost-effective and timely.


User Interface Design is Crucial to Business Success

Make Your Users Happy with Great User Experience Design

Great Ux Design Results in Happy Users!

Features and functionality are important to software applications and software products but, without a great user experience designer, the solution is apt to fail. Today’s users (whether they are business users or consumers who use a software product to buy products or get information), are more sophisticated and demanding.


Software Re-Engineering and Ux Design Make Good Sense

Software Reengineering and Ux: Important and Necessary

Don’t Be Afraid of the Cost and Time to Complete Software Re-Engineering!

I recently attended a technology conference where I listened to attendees grumble about outdated technology, and apps and software products that just didn’t deliver when it comes to performance, scalability and navigation on smart phones and other portable devices. These same people said that they could not justify the cost or time required to complete a software re-engineering project.


User Experience is THE Most Important Thing

An Awesome User Experience Provides Awesome ResultsYears ago, I worked with talented developers who knew the ins and outs of many technologies and platforms and could spin a stunning website into existence with style. Visitors were impressed with the colors, the animation and the graphics. Years passed, and technology advanced. Users were no longer tied to large desktops. They bought tablets and mobile devices and got used to the look and feel of advanced sites and applications that allowed them to shop, get information and communicate easily and in a way that was intuitive and natural to them.


Responsive Web Design or Adaptive? Cut Through the Confusion and Ensure Success


There are many articles and opinions about Responsive Web Design(RWD) and Adaptive Web Design (AWD), but one thing is for sure. The business benefits of RWD and AWD are numerous. While the upfront planning process for RWD and AWD may be a bit longer, the payoff in terms of customer and user satisfaction and increased bottom line is undeniable. Here are just a few of the benefits of redesigning or designing a site using responsive or adaptive web design.

  • Reach your audience easily through tablet and mobile
  • Improve conversion and sales ratio
  • Consolidate analytics
  • Improve search engine visibility
  • Save cost and time in mobile development
  • Simplify website maintenance


Ux is Crucial: Business Apps Must Offer an Experience as Intuitive as Social Media & Consumer Sites


In today’s mobile world, the user experience may be just about the most important thing in application and site delivery. User experience improvement, aka Ux Improvement, has become one of the most important disciplines in the software development world.For years, users, and especially users of enterprise products, have been ignored with cumbersome, inflexible user interfaces, that are difficult to use, and force users to do perform rework, in the form duplicate data entries. In the old world of interface design, technical teams paid little attention to the user experience, and so the typical packaged software or website interface lacked flexibility and was rarely intuitive. As a result, users needed a lot of training. In the new world of interface design, the issue of mobility has compounded and complicated the user experience.


On the Move: Fuel Your Sites with Responsive Web Design and Adaptive Web Design


When you consider the portability of technology in today’s world, it may seem as if mobile access has been with us forever. Not so long ago, mobile access was limited to pagers and ‘car phones’ that fit in a suitcase. While we are very comfortable with the access provided by smart phones and tablets, the technology of mobile access is changing every day. For businesses, this ever-changing landscape of devices, applications and social interaction can be confusing. The changes in technology do not stop long enough to give a business the chance to catch up. Consequently, it is imperative that businesses look at Responsive Web Design (RWD) and Adaptive Web Design (AWD) to provide the kind of access a customer or prospect expects.If you want to sell your products and services in a world of mobile access, you must make your sites and applications suitable for diverse size screen and devices. It is too expensive and time consuming to build and maintain multiple site versions, or numerous upgrades, migrations or site maintenance requirements.


Responsive Web Design? Adaptive Web Design? If You Find It Hard To Decide, Don’t Despair!


There has been a lot of discussion about Responsive Web Design (RWD) and Adaptive Web Design (AWD) in the trade press and among enterprise IT teams looking to convert web sites and apps to user-friendly, flexible mobile displays. One of the main issues facing the enterprise is to decide between RWD and AWD. Once this decision is made, it is difficult and expensive to turn back. This article focuses on some of the differences and benefits of each of the techniques.Responsive Web Design: True responsive design is fluid, and uses CSS3 media queries to respond to any screen sizes. With CSS3, you can create a flexible grid where text can wrap and images can shrink and adjust along with your browser.
