Case Study: Performance Management, Benchmarking Product Development & Maintenance

A performance management and benchmarking consulting business in Glasgow, Scotland asked Elegant MicroWeb to create a new solution. The consulting company had outgrown the simplistic reporting and analysis foundation provided by standard office tools and spreadsheets, and was concerned about the security of proprietary and confidential data and process models.

Elegant MicroWeb undertook a project to create a new solution that would produce clear, concise results, reports and direction so that consulting company customers could easily adapt and develop appropriate strategies and market direction enabling the business to reduce the time required to engage and complete a consultancy project. The resulting Performance Monitoring, Improvement and Analysis Tool provides integrated web-based performance optimization tools designed around the principles of knowledge and activity-based management.

Case Study: UK Online Petition Management for eGovernance

An internet community, market research, consultation and eDemocracy solution provider in the UK engaged Elegant MicroWeb to design and develop a solution to manage online petitions for eGovernance. The business focuses on thought leadership and on gathering feedback and opinion to help government and private organizations make sustainable decisions. The solution allows patrons to weigh in on topics, causes and issues of common interest.

Elegant MicroWeb worked closely with the business team from concept through solution design, development and implementation. The solution includes an administrative interface to manage petitions, accept and reject petitions, publish and email results. The User (client) interface, allows users to create, search and view petitions, sign a petition, open and close petitions and view rejected petitions. The solution was built for Windows operating system, on a .Net framework with a SQL Server back end.

Case Study: UK Online Petition Management for eGovernance


An internet community, market research, consultation and eDemocracy solution provider in the UK engaged Elegant MicroWeb to design and develop a solution to manage online petitions for eGovernance market. The business focuses on thought leadership and on gathering feedback and opinion to help government and private organizations make sustainable decisions. The solution allows patrons to weigh in on topics, causes and issues of common interest.


Case Study: Customer Loyalty Software Product Widget for UK eConsulting, Market Research Firm

Elegant MicroWeb worked with a UK eConsulting, Market Research business to design a web-based widget to measure customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty. Customers were asked just one question and the responses were analyzed to enhance and improve products and services offered by the organization over the period. In order to meet business objectives the widget had to be easy to configure, and easy to promote and use to obtain maximum responses. Personalized emails were sent, with a unique URL so the users could respond without the need to register. Feedback request could be offered via various web channels.

Elegant MicroWeb analyzed requirements, and designed and built a widget to allow customer managers to create just one question – loyalty question. Once a question is created, customer manager (administrator) can select respondents, design personalized email and rating scale for participant response. Response tracking processes allowed the business to follow-up non respondents and track responses. App also included response analysis and categorization to measure customer loyalty index over the period of time.

Case Study: Customer Loyalty Software Product Widget for UK eConsulting, Market Research Firm


Elegant MicroWeb worked with a UK eConsulting, Market Research business to design a web-based widget to measure customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty. Customers were asked just one question. Responses were analyzed to enhance and improve products and services over the period. The widget had to be easy to configure, and easy to promote and use. Personalized emails were sent, so users could respond without the need to register. Feedback request could be offered via various web channels to maximize participation.


Case Study: Web-Based Community Software Product for UK Idea Management Business

A U.K. internet community, market research and consultation, eDemocracy solution provider selected Elegant MicroWeb to design a web-based software product that would enable users to create employee, stakeholder, customer and citizen communities and encourage collaboration, feedback and the structuring of ideas and innovation processes. The solution would support open communities, as well as communities requiring invitation and registration. The objective was to help the business gain deeper insights and deliberative engagement with customers, stakeholders and thought leaders.

The Elegant MicroWeb team designed an integrated suite of Idea Management tools, including user-friendly wizards to support users and allow for idea sharing, brainstorming, ranking and discussion of ideas, and archival capability. User roles include Administration, Registered users, Invited Users and Anonymous Users. Elegant MicroWeb services included requirements and feasibility planning and studies, design, development, customization, deployment and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Case Study: Web-Based Community Software Product for UK Idea Management Business


A UK internet community, market research and consultation, eDemocracy solution provider asked Elegant MicroWeb to design a web-based software product for Idea Management. The application allows users to create employee, stakeholder, customer and citizen communities and encourage collaboration, and feedback. The Elegant MicroWeb team designed an integrated suite of Idea Management tools, including user-friendly wizards to support users and allow for idea sharing, brainstorming, ranking and discussion of ideas, and archival capability.


Case Study: UK Direct Marketing, Profiling Intelligence Data Provider Gets Online Demographic/Geographic Data Analysis

Elegant MicroWeb worked with a UK direct marketing and profiling intelligence data provider from concept through design, development and implementation to create an online demographic and geographic data profiling and analytical tool. The solution allowed for registration, criteria selection, order management, account management and administration. The business enjoyed the benefit of the tools as well as the value of Elegant MicroWeb domain and market expertise throughout the complete life cycle of the project.


Case Study: Online Solution Achieves Optimal Redundancy, Resettlement Mgt.


A leading project management consulting company in the U.K. wanted Elegant MicroWeb to develop an innovative solution to manage communication and administration among stakeholders involved in the redundancy and resettlement process. To meet the business objectives, the management tool would have to allow for coordination and monitoring of individual resettlement, no matter how many players are involved in the process or how large the scale of redundancy.


IT and Accounting Pros Can Satisfy Standards and Security Compliance and Reporting with BI Tools


In the new world of government regulation, the technology (IT) team and accounting team are both required to monitor, manage and report on financial and regulatory and business process compliance. These auditing requirements are meant to ensure that financial, planning and operational systems are adequately controlled and protected. Industry and governmental compliance requirements are meant to ensure the adequacy and integrity of auditing processes and regulatory compliance including business processes designed to ensure compliance, as well as document management, content management, data consolidation, reporting processes and other facets of business, data, customer, user and systems management.