Businesses Report Improved Results from Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Improves Results…As Reported By Businesses!

According to a survey of businesses regarding Digital Transformation (Dx), 40% of respondents reported improved operational efficiency, 35% reported that it was easier to meet changing customer expectations, 26% said Dx improved product quality, and 24% said Dx reduced product development costs.

How Do I Succeed with Digital Transformation?

How Can I Jump Start My Digital Transformation (Dx) Project?

Digital Transformation (Dx) may seem daunting, but with the right planning and execution, a Dx project will reap many benefits for your business.

Case Study : Smarten Augmented Analytics Case Study- Pharmaceutical, Clinical Research and Innovation Company

Smarten Augmented Analytics Case Study- Pharmaceutical, Clinical Research and Innovation Company

The Client is a global business governed by a foundation whose mission is to have a meaningful social impact, both for patients and for a sustainable world. With its unique governance model, the Client business can fully serve its vocation with a long-term vision and fulfil its commitment to therapeutic progress and to serving patient needs. The company has grown exponentially, first across France and then throughout the world, driven by the transformation of the business.

Yes! Digital Transformation DOES Improve Results

Digital Transformation Improves Results…As Reported By Businesses!

According to a survey of businesses regarding Digital Transformation (Dx), 40% of respondents reported improved operational efficiency, 35% reported that it was easier to meet changing customer expectations, 26% said Dx improved product quality, and 24% said Dx reduced product development costs.

Yes! Business Users Can Love Digital Transformation (Dx)

Some Reasons Your Business Users Should Love Digital Transformation (Dx)!

When it comes to implementing a Digital Transformation (Dx) initiative, your IT team and senior executives probably don’t need convincing! Consider the recent IDC survey results about Dx:

Achieve Digital Transformation Without Missteps!

To Succeed with Digital Transformation, Understand the Obstacles and Engage a Partner!

When a business makes the decision to take on a Digital Transformation (Dx) initiative, there is a lot of planning involved. The enterprise cannot simply declare its intention and leave the rest to fate. It must plan carefully and include all crucial components if it hopes to succeed and to launch this initiative in a timely manner.

Case Study : Smarten Analytics Case Study – Implementation for Largest Global Air Cooler Company in India

Smarten Augmented Analytics Case Study- Implementation for Largest Global Air Cooler Company in India

The Client is the largest global manufacturer of Air Coolers. The Client is an India-based Multi-National Company with a presence in over sixty (60) countries. As the market leader, this enterprise enjoys a prime position in the residential, industrial and commercial market segments and its brand is considered synonymous with cooling products in the global market. The Client is a market disrupter in what is a diverse and poorly organized sector and it has set the market benchmark with 201 trademarks, 64 registered designs, 15 copyrights and 48 patents, thereby setting the gold standard for air cooling in the global market.

Digital Transformation is Not a Short-Term Strategy!

Digital Transformation Provides Long-Term Growth and Support Benefits!

The term ‘Digital Transformation, or Dx, is everywhere today. If you have heard the term, but you’re not clear on its meaning, Digital transformation is a business initiative that adopts a customer focus by taking a digital or technology-driven approach to business. This approach includes business processes, software and solutions used to create concepts or products, complete tasks, work through approvals, manage projects, monitor, and manage suppliers, equipment, teams, etc. In short, every aspect of the business from business structure and models to customer interaction and operations. Digital Transformation technologies may include artificial intelligence (AI), ERP systems and solutions, private or public cloud environs, and digital solutions for augmented analytics, BI tools, workflow management, HR, product design, etc.

Digital Transformation Must Include Current and Future Staff!

In recent studies, 49% of the organizations surveyed about Digital Transformation (Dx) initiatives reported that Dx gave the business the ability to better manage business performance through data availability. When it comes to Digital Transformation strategies, the wise enterprise knows to involve its team members in the requirements planning and in planning for execution and transition.