Understand PMML (It’s Not That Hard)!

Incorporate PMML Integration Within Augmented Analytics to Easily Manage Predictive Models!

You may not be an analytics expert and you may find terms like PMML Integration somewhat daunting. But in reality, the concept is not complex, and the value is outstanding!

White Paper – Enabling Business Optimization and Expense Reduction Through the Use of Augmented Analytics

White Paper – Enabling Business Optimization and Expense Reduction Through the Use of Augmented Analytics

No matter the reason or the goal, when an enterprise chooses the right Augmented Analytics solution and carefully plans for and executes its implementation, it can optimize business results, reduce expenses and improve its market position, customer satisfaction and user adoption, and it is key to transforming business users to Citizen Data Scientists to improve results and team skills. Here, we examine the benefits of Augmented Analytics and how to plan and successfully execute an Augmented Analytics initiative.

Should I Start a Citizen Data Scientist Program?

Is it the Right Time for My Business to Initiate a Citizen Data Scientist Program?

Whether you are a business owner, a business executive or a business manager, or you just like to keep up with industry trends, you no doubt have read about the transition of business users to Citizen Data Scientists. The topic has been in industry journals and publications for years, and it is still relevant today.

Case Study : Smarten Analytics Case Study – Implementation for Largest Global Air Cooler Company in India

Smarten Augmented Analytics Case Study- Implementation for Largest Global Air Cooler Company in India

The Client is the largest global manufacturer of Air Coolers. The Client is an India-based Multi-National Company with a presence in over sixty (60) countries. As the market leader, this enterprise enjoys a prime position in the residential, industrial and commercial market segments and its brand is considered synonymous with cooling products in the global market. The Client is a market disrupter in what is a diverse and poorly organized sector and it has set the market benchmark with 201 trademarks, 64 registered designs, 15 copyrights and 48 patents, thereby setting the gold standard for air cooling in the global market.

Citizen Data Scientists Can Collaborate with Others!

How Should My Citizen Data Scientists Work with Data Scientists and Analysts?

Gartner has predicted that, ‘30% of organizations will harness the collective intelligence of their analytics communities, outperforming competitors that rely solely on centralized analytics or self-service.’ What does this mean for business Citizen Data Scientist initiatives? It does NOT mean that the organization should turn away from this type of initiative. What it DOES mean is that a business should recognize the value and purpose of each aspect of its analytical community.

Citizen Data Scientists Can Help You Achieve Your Goals!

Think of What Citizen Data Scientists Can Do to Help Your Business!

Whether you have recently been nominated to become a Citizen Data Scientist or you are considering the value of this type of transition for your business, managers and team members alike often ask exactly what a Citizen Data Scientist can do. According to technology research firm, Gartner, the number of Citizen Data Scientists will grow at five times the rate of traditional data scientists. If that’s the case, there must be something to this trend, right?

3 Things Citizen Data Scientists Need in Predictive Analytics!

The technology research firm, Gartner has predicted that, ‘predictive and prescriptive analytics will attract 40% of net new enterprise investment in the overall business intelligence and analytics market.’ When combined with Citizen Data Scientist initiatives, the adoption and use of predictive modeling and forecasting techniques can be a boon to any enterprise. Team members who have access to augmented analytics and assisted predictive modeling can plan better, predict more accurately and dependably meet goals and objectives.

Enjoy the Benefits of Citizen Data Scientist Initiatives!

Business Users & Data Scientists Benefit from Citizen Data Scientist Initiatives!

A business that does not optimize its resources is doomed to fail. In this rapidly changing business environment and market, every organization must make the best of precious human resources. No one has enough funding to hire additional resources to get the job done and, when there are extra funds, those funds are quickly earmarked for new products, marketing and other crucial activities.

Why Should I WANT to be a Citizen Data Scientist?

3 Benefits of Making the Transition from Business User to Citizen Data Scientist!

If you are a business owner, executive or manager, you have already heard about (and are probably implementing) strategies for Citizen Data Scientists. If you are a business user, you may be hearing rumblings of this in your everyday work and wondering exactly what this type of initiative means for you and why you should consider it beneficial.