Augmented Analytics Provides Benefits to Data Scientists!

When an enterprise undertakes an Augmented Analytics project, it is typically doing so because it wishes to initiate data democratization, improve data literacy among its team members and create Citizen Data Scientists. The organization looks for a solution that is easy enough for its business users and intuitive enough to produce clear results; one that also provides sophisticated functionality and features and will produce a suitable Return on Investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

White Paper – Enabling Business Optimization and Expense Reduction Through the Use of Augmented Analytics

White Paper – Enabling Business Optimization and Expense Reduction Through the Use of Augmented Analytics

No matter the reason or the goal, when an enterprise chooses the right Augmented Analytics solution and carefully plans for and executes its implementation, it can optimize business results, reduce expenses and improve its market position, customer satisfaction and user adoption, and it is key to transforming business users to Citizen Data Scientists to improve results and team skills. Here, we examine the benefits of Augmented Analytics and how to plan and successfully execute an Augmented Analytics initiative.

AI In Analytics: Today and Tomorrow!

Nothing…and I DO mean NOTHING…is more prominent in technology buzz today than Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of Generative AI, LLM and products such as ChatGPT capabilities has been applied to all kinds of industries, from publishing and research to targeted marketing and healthcare. Gartner recently estimated that the market for AI software will be nearly $134.8 billion, with the market growing by 31.1% in next several years. In a recent survey of C-suite executives, 80% of said they believe AI will transform their organizations, and 64% said it is the most transformational technology in a generation.

Should I Start a Citizen Data Scientist Program?

Is it the Right Time for My Business to Initiate a Citizen Data Scientist Program?

Whether you are a business owner, a business executive or a business manager, or you just like to keep up with industry trends, you no doubt have read about the transition of business users to Citizen Data Scientists. The topic has been in industry journals and publications for years, and it is still relevant today.

Assisted Predictive Modeling is Your Secret Weapon!

Predictive Analytics That is Easy Enough for Any Business User!

Predictive analytics may seem too complex for business users but with advanced technology like machine learning and features like assisted predictive modeling users can dive into the process without the skills of an IT professional or a data scientist. Assisted predictive modeling frees the user by providing system recommendations that will suggest the right analytical technique and achieve the best fit for what the user wants to do, ensuring that they use the most appropriate algorithm for the data they wish to analyze.

BI Tools with R Integration Make Users Happy!

What is R Scripting and Why Do I Need it Integrated in My BI Tool?

Don’t you hate it when someone blurts out a mysterious term at a business conference and you are left to decide whether to reveal your ignorance by asking what they are talking about, or simply nodding your head and smiling as if you understand and agree? I hate it when that happens.

Insight and Perspective: The Gifts of Augmented Analytics!

Augmented Analytics: Insight Comes from Perspective!

Perspective is everything. You can stare at numbers and columns all day and never see the one nugget of information that will give you insight and help you solve a problem or find that one opportunity to drive the business to the next level. When you and your business users can leverage augmented analytics tools, without worrying about complex algorithms or writing code or designing reports, you can find those elusive nuggets of information and use them to improve your business results.

Increase Team Member Value with Augmented Analytics!

Make the Most of Your Team Member Skills with Augmented Analytics!

Every business owner and manager understands the problem of limited resources. Today, you have fewer team members and you must do more to compete in the market. To enhance productivity and collaboration and ensure that every team member is making better decisions, it is wise to implement augmented analytics within your organization.

Employ BI Tools and Augmented Analytics for Business Users!

Business Intelligence and Augmented Analytics Go Hand in Hand!

Business Intelligence is mandatory! Without intelligence you have no insight into your customer buying behavior, your competition or your organization. In order to achieve business intelligence in today’s environment, you need modern BI tools and augmented analytics that is suitable for your business users.