Case Study : Augmented Analytics Solution for India State Government Citizen Centric Schemes

Augmented Analytics Solution for India State Government Citizen Centric Schemes

The Client is a state government with a population of approximately 30 million citizens, and an annual budget of $5 billion USD. This government agency focuses on implementing IT and e-governance initiatives to enhance citizen services and governance efficiency. By leveraging advanced technology, the agency aims to improve the quality of life for citizens and to streamline administrative processes across and throughout departments.

Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration!

Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, the organization must provide simple, easy-to-understand solutions that display analytical results in a way that is meaningful and intuitive.

The Right Mobile BI App Can Produce Results!

Your Enterprise Can Leverage Mobile BI to Achieve User Adoption and Enterprise Results!

Gartner has predicted that ‘augmented analytics will be ubiquitous, but only 10% of users will use it to its full potential.’ Perhaps one of the most important aspects of user adoption is to provide the business intelligence tools at the place and time the user needs them. That means that a solution considered by the organization must be one that supports mobile devices.

‘The organization should look for a ‘design once, use anywhere’ approach that allows for maximum flexibility.’

In this article, we discuss how the organization can assess and choose the right Mobile BI solution to ensure optimal results and user adoption.

Choose the Right Mobile BI App and Get Results

Convenient Access for Users

The augmented analytics, business intelligence solution that offers out-of-the-box mobile access for all types of mobile devices, tablets and desktops allows users to perform analytics, collaborate and report on the road, in the office, in hotels – in short, anywhere. With mobile BI support, the enterprise can provide a self-serve BI tool that encourages user adoption and supports data democratization and analytics for all team members without expensive customization or restrictive dashboards or reports. The Mobile BI solution that supports all devices and screen sizes allows users to access analytics using any device they leverage for work-related activities.

Dependable Performance to Support Technology Infrastructure and Future Needs

The enterprise must assess its business intelligence needs and plan for the future but not every evolutionary path is predictable. So, a Mobile BI tool that supports current and future data and user volume is an imperative. The organization should look for a ‘design once, use anywhere’ approach that allows for maximum flexibility. As devices change and evolve and users, locations and data changes, the organization can meet its needs without additional licensing or developmental costs.

Integrated Mobile BI Tools

If the augmented analytics solution and BI tools are comprised of comprehensive features to allow for easy-to-use dashboards, reporting, and graphs, charts and key performance indicators (KPIs), those features must be designed to seamlessly display and function on any type of device, any screen and any resolution, so users are not frustrated and access is simple and intuitive.

‘Perhaps one of the most important aspects of user adoption is to provide the business intelligence tools at the place and time the user needs them.’

Find out how Mobile BI And Augmented Analytics can support data democratization and improve your business results. Let us help you achieve your vision and improve productivity and insight across the organization.

Original Post : Choose the Right Mobile BI App and Get Results!

Case Study : Smarten Augmented Analytics Delivers COVID-19 Data Management & Analytics for U.S. Healthcare Business

Case Study - Smarten Augmented Analytics Delivers COVID-19 Data Management & Analytics for U.S. Healthcare Business

The Smarten Partner is a healthcare service provider in the United States, providing a web-based, patient-centric, healthcare management solution and workflow solutions to assist hospitals and healthcare facilities, increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. One of the Partner Clients is a multispecialty physicians group offering medical management clinical research and other primary and urgent care services. This Client offers COVID-19 vaccination programs with services including COVID testing and vaccination management.


KPI Dashboard Software Manages for Results!

A KPI Dashboard Will Show Users the Path Forward!

KPI Software Should be Part of Your Suite of BI Tools!

There is no doubt that business intelligence and analytics should include key performance indicators (KPIs). Business intelligence tools must include KPI software and an intuitive KPI dashboard that is easy for business users to adopt and to use to monitor, manage and understand business metrics, actual vs. planned results and other data.


KPI Tools and Well-Conceived KPIs = Great Metrics!

Choose the Right KPI Software and the Right KPIs!

Combine Flexible, Intuitive KPI Tools with Appropriately Targeted KPI Metrics!

KPI Analytics is important to every company. Key performance indicators, or KPIs, help a business to monitor and measure business success by looking at specific factors, activities, tasks and processes. Often, an industry has a standard set of KPI examples it uses that is widely accepted as measurement for success but, many times, the business has its own unique way of measuring success and, when used correctly, KPI software can help the business to identify issues and change processes or policies before the issue results in a negative impact to the bottom line.


BI Reporting Tool in Self-Serve Environment!

Business Intelligence Dashboard Software For Your Business

Modern BI Solutions and Advanced Data Discovery for the Organization!

Today’s modern BI solutions include Advanced Data Discovery tools in a self-serve environment that is easy enough for all business users. Every enterprise needs BI tools that can be used out-of-the-box. To meet the needs of the enterprise, your business users will need key performance indicator analytics (KPI software), and BI reporting software that is mobile and suitable for use on a desktop, laptop or smart phone.
