Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration!

Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, the organization must provide simple, easy-to-understand solutions that display analytical results in a way that is meaningful and intuitive.

AI In Analytics: Today and Tomorrow!

Nothing…and I DO mean NOTHING…is more prominent in technology buzz today than Artificial Intelligence (AI). The use of Generative AI, LLM and products such as ChatGPT capabilities has been applied to all kinds of industries, from publishing and research to targeted marketing and healthcare. Gartner recently estimated that the market for AI software will be nearly $134.8 billion, with the market growing by 31.1% in next several years. In a recent survey of C-suite executives, 80% of said they believe AI will transform their organizations, and 64% said it is the most transformational technology in a generation.

How Can I Get My Business Users to Adopt Augmented Analytics?

Drive User Adoption with Embedded BI and Single Sign-On Convenience!

All of your business users have a favorite software application – an app they value because it helps them do their job more easily, or helps them get crucial information. These are the applications they have learned and they are used to leveraging them on a day-to-day basis to perform tasks. When you introduce augmented analytics into your business environment, one of the most critical factors is whether you can expect user adoption. Finding and implementing the right augmented analytics solution is just the first step. If you can’t get your users to USE the application, your return on investment (ROI) will be poor and your total cost of ownership (TCO) will be high.

Embedded BI Improves User Adoption of Enterprise Apps!

How Embedded BI Can Add Value and Improve ROI for Enterprise Apps!

No matter your reason for investing in that business application, the investment was meant to improve the business, to make team members more productive, to act as a repository for important business data and to somehow improve the bottom line. But, the effectiveness and success of a software solution depends on more than its features and functionality. Yes, one must consider its ease of use too, but that’s not the point of our discussion today.

Increase Team Member Value with Augmented Analytics!

Make the Most of Your Team Member Skills with Augmented Analytics!

Every business owner and manager understands the problem of limited resources. Today, you have fewer team members and you must do more to compete in the market. To enhance productivity and collaboration and ensure that every team member is making better decisions, it is wise to implement augmented analytics within your organization.

Using Predictive Analytics to Understand Your Business Future!

Can Predictive Analytics REALLY Help My Business During These Uncertain Times?

How accurate is predictive analytics? Is it worth using for my business? How can forecasting and prediction help me in such an uncertain environment? These are all valid questions and they are they are questions your business (and your fellow business owners) must grapple with to understand the value of planning and analytical tools.

Ease of Use for Augmented Analytics is Key!

Want to Succeed with Citizen Data Scientists? Choose Simple Augmented Analytics!

Gartner has placed an increased focus on augmented analytics and solutions that support data democratization and business user transformation to the Citizen Data Scientist role. It predicts that those organizations that engage in Citizen Data Scientist initiatives will outperform businesses that do not take this approach and they will be more competitive and better prepared, by increasing productivity, optimizing resources and making better decisions. As your business competitors embrace this evolution, your organization must seriously commit to the Citizen Data Scientist concept and to the Augmented Analytics solution approach that will support the Citizen Data Scientist.

You Can Have Advanced Analytics AND Augmented!

Shopping for Advanced Analytics? Get Self-Serve Augmented Analytics and Succeed!

There are a lot of business intelligence and analytical tools on the market today and if your business has recognized the need to implement this type of solution for self-serve analytics among business users, it is important to understand the advantages of augmented analytics. Advanced analytics benefits are numerous but, when a business chooses augmented analytics tools, it can ensure that its business users have full access to analytical features and sophisticated techniques without having to learn complex systems and without having to acquire data scientist skills. That ease-of-use takes advanced analytics advantages to the next level by democratizing use and allowing for digital transformation and increased data literacy across the enterprise.

Advanced Analytics for Business Users = Augmented Analytics!

Augmented Analytics is Designed for Business Users So Analytics is Easy for All!

When a business decides to undertake a data democratization and data literacy initiative, it is important to recognize that not all advanced analytics solutions are created equal. Business users who are expected to take on the task of analytics, will need an augmented analytics solution that can support their needs. They aren’t data scientists. They aren’t business analysts. They are business professionals who will want to use an analytics solution that can give them sophisticated output and information. It has to be easy enough to use without the need for assistance by IT or data scientists and it has to be a solution that can be personalized to produce reports and analytics that are easy for each user to leverage to make decisions, solve problems and identify opportunities.