Augmented Analytics Provides Benefits to Data Scientists!

When an enterprise undertakes an Augmented Analytics project, it is typically doing so because it wishes to initiate data democratization, improve data literacy among its team members and create Citizen Data Scientists. The organization looks for a solution that is easy enough for its business users and intuitive enough to produce clear results; one that also provides sophisticated functionality and features and will produce a suitable Return on Investment (ROI) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Business Users CAN Use Predictive Analytics!

Predictive Analytics is a Critical Component of an Augmented Analytics Suite!

Analytics and advanced analytics techniques can seem daunting to the average business user but they need not be. If a business wants its users to adopt and use analytics tools, an augmented analytics solution is the way to go. These solutions are easy to use and provide guidance and auto-recommendations to help users gather and analyze data using the right analytical technique.

Balance Data Quality with Data Agility!

Data Quality and Data Agility are Both Important to Success!

Data Quality vs. Data Agility – A Balanced Approach!

Sometimes we are so focused on perfection that we do not see the benefit of agility. Consider the emergence of the brainstorming concept as an example. We learned quite some time ago that if used the brainstorming concept of freewheeling, non-judgmental discussion we could bounce ideas off one another and often come up with innovative ideas that would not have resulted from a discussion that was more restrictive.


Analytics for Data Scientists and Business Users!

Business Users and Data Scientists Need Analytics Tools!

Analytics for All: You Can Serve Business Users AND Data Scientists!

I hope you would agree that every team member in your business is an important and valuable resource. When we talk, in the tech world, about self-serve apps and the concept of cascading analytics to everyone in the organization, managers and team members start to get nervous.


Digital Transformation and Augmented Analytics Go Hand in Hand!

Begin Your Digital Transformation with Augmented Analytics!

How Can My Business Begin Digital Transformation? How About Augmented Analytics?

If you read industry and technology journals, you have probably seen the term, ‘digital transformation’. So, what is digital transformation Gartner asked, and here is what the Gartner glossary of terms says about that: ‘Digital business transformation is the process of exploiting digital technologies and supporting capabilities to create a robust new digital business model.’ So, that is the digital technology business definition and that definition will translate differently for every organization in terms of where the enterprise will begin to focus the transformation process and how it will get to its goal.


Is Advanced Data Discovery Suitable for Business Users?

Can Data Discovery Improve My Business Users’ Performance?

Is Augmented Data Discovery Easy Enough for My Business Users?

A data discovery tool is a crucial tool for every business user in your organization. With so many sources of data, in so many locations with your enterprise, it is impossible for users to know whether they have access to complete, accurate data to make decisions.


White Paper – Accelerating Advanced Analytics in an Immature Analytics Culture

White Paper - Accelerating Advanced Analytics in an Immature Analytics Culture

For organizations that wish to leverage advanced analytics, the first order of business is to evaluate the maturity of the advanced analytical culture within the organization and among its users and decide whether the entire team is ready to take on the task of accurately analyzing business results, and planning and making course corrections on a daily basis. If the organization is not ready for this change, the business management team must plan for and execute a transition to quickly, carefully, and successfully move the enterprise into the advanced analytics arena.


Citizen Data Scientists Rule!

What’s So Great About Citizen Data Scientists?

Why Should Your Business Users Want to Become Citizen Data Scientists?

You have probably heard a lot about the benefits of transforming business users into Citizen Data Scientists by deploying an advanced analytics platform. Let’s say you did your homework and found just the right solution so that all your needs are met and your business users can happily embrace the solution and become empowered – and in so doing, add value and accountability to your organization.


Get Augmented Analytics Advantages Now!

Discover the Advantages of Augmented Analytics!

Do You Know the Benefits of Advanced Analytics? Find out Now!

The benefits of advanced analytics are many and the current support in the market for business user access and data insight provides expanded advantages of advanced analytics.
