Choose the Right Mobile BI Solution for Your Business!

What Do I Need to Know Before I Choose a Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Solution for My Business?

What makes a great Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) solution? There are many factors to consider and, if you do not choose wisely, you risk a) spending a lot of money and getting very little in return, b) working with incorrect, old or incomplete data, c) having to upgrade and spend even more money, d) disappointing your team and falling short of objectives, e) missing your Citizen Data Scientist initiative goals.

Mobile BI Improves Productivity and Results!

Add Mobile BI for Your Team and Improve Access, Analytics and Business Decisions!

Recent surveys reveal that the mobile BI market is growing by leaps and bounds. Of those surveyed, over 35% of companies said that mobile BI is in use among their business users. While some businesses have yet to adopt BI tools or augmented analytics for their business users, many have done so, and are now in the process of adding mobile BI to the set of tools available to users. There is no doubt that the COVID pandemic affected this strategy, since many businesses are now embracing a full-time or a hybrid remote work environment that requires team members to have access to tools from wherever they are working.

White Paper – Generative AI (GenAI): The Benefits and Application of AI in Analytics

White Paper – Generative AI (GenAI): The Benefits and Application of AI in Analytics

If your enterprise wishes to consider AI in analytics, and plan for its future potential and growth, it is wise to first understand the state of the technology today, the various ways in which AI can inform and improve analytics for your business, the factors you will need to consider to choose the right analytics solution and the things your business should include in its vendor and solution review.

Case Study : Augmented Analytics for a Share Broking & Securities Trading Company in India

Augmented Analytics for a leading Pharmaceuticals Company in Gujarat, India

The client is a leading financial securities firm that offers online digital contacts, transparent trading practices and extends personalized customer service and support. Their services include brokerage, investment advisory, financial services and portfolio management in stock markets, debt markets as well as derivatives markets. The company is a respected corporate member of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India.

Case Study : Augmented Analytics for a leading Pharmaceuticals Company in Gujarat, India

Augmented Analytics for a leading Pharmaceuticals Company in Gujarat, India

The client is a leading publicly listed Pharmaceuticals Company with a large shareholder base. The company manufactures all major dosage forms such as Tablets, Capsules, Injectables, Syrups, Ointments, etc.

Please Consider Your Business Users When Selecting an Analytics and Data Search Tool!

This article should serve as a plea on behalf of the average business user!

Business users are business professionals who have expertise in an industry or market arena or perform a function to support the ongoing operation of the business – professionals who may be front line workers on a production line, finance professionals, sales representatives, non-profit office workers, medical researchers, middle managers, regional managers for retail chains, transportation dispatchers or…well, you get the idea. These team members know their job and they do it well. But, they probably don’t have the technical skills to write a SQL query, or to filter out the columns and fields for an analytical search in order to get the results they need to make a decision.

Techniques to Ensure Successful Augmented Analytics Implementation!

If your business is ready to implement a BI tool and augmented analytics solution, there are some things you will need to do first. If you plan correctly, you will enjoy a successful implementation. If you do not perform an assessment, understand your requirements and choose the right option, you are likely to fail in your initiative and your ROI and TCO will not meet expectations.

SME Businesses Must Engage in Culture Change to Successfully Integrate Self-Serve Advanced Analytics!

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are often challenged to satisfy all the roles and responsibilities in the organization and most team members wear more than one hat. That feeling of being overstretched is typical of growing businesses and, in an increasingly competitive market with businesses fighting for skilled resources, it is difficult to meet budget and scheduling goals and get it all done.

Self-Serve Data Preparation Improves Results!

Include Self-Serve Data Preparation in Your Augmented Analytics Solution!

Gartner predicted that ‘…data preparation will be utilized in more than 70% of new data integration projects for analytics and data science.’ If your business is not already including this approach in analytics and decision-making, it is missing a crucial link to success. Self-serve data preparation and augmented analytics solutions are now more popular than ever. By democratizing data and improving data literacy, the business can do more with less. But the sheer volume of data within an organization can be challenging.