How Can an IT Partner Help my Software Company Succeed

Discover the Benefits of an IT Partner for Your Software Company!

If you own a software business, or you work in management or even in IT for a software company, you want to focus on attracting and retaining customers. You understand your market, you have a technology foundation and you understand your competition.

White Paper – Generative AI (GenAI): The Benefits and Application of AI in Analytics

White Paper – Generative AI (GenAI): The Benefits and Application of AI in Analytics

If your enterprise wishes to consider AI in analytics, and plan for its future potential and growth, it is wise to first understand the state of the technology today, the various ways in which AI can inform and improve analytics for your business, the factors you will need to consider to choose the right analytics solution and the things your business should include in its vendor and solution review.

Expert Application Maintenance & Support is Key to Success!

Expert Software Application Maintenance and Support Services Can Help You NOW!

Your users (and maybe your customers) enjoy software and application solutions that you have designed, licensed and implemented. These familiar apps and software products provide a productive environment and support business processes and workflow and, in the case of your customers, these apps and software products generate revenue for your business.

Be Sure You Select the Right IT Consulting Partner!

Things to Consider Before You Choose an Offshore Outsourcing Partner!

If you are considering engaging an offshore IT consulting partner, you will want to carefully assess the experience of the service provider and ensure that the business model, methodologies and skills of the business and the team are what you need to achieve a successful outcome.

3 Questions to Ask a Prospective IT Staff Augmentation Partner!

If your business is ready to engage an IT Staff Augmentation Partner, you have already decided you need and want help. Whether your enterprise wants support for a one-time software application development project, ongoing support for enterprise systems or trained expertise in a particular technology environment, you want to be sure you get the right resources, the right knowledge and the right support! In this article, we outline three questions to ask a prospective IT staff augmentation partner.

Custom ERP Software Development is Achievable!

Don’t Let Cost or Skill Stop You From Achieving Your Custom Software Vision!

Trust me, I get it! The need for expert, experienced software application developers is constant, and in this rapidly changing technology environment, it is sometimes difficult to sustain cutting-edge IT skills and provide expert resources to accommodate the changing and growing needs of the organization. In order to meet business requirements, an enterprise must maintain a balanced, skilled IT team to enhance and support the business with innovative, high-value, low-cost applications development, and maintenance and support services, backed by timely, proven processes and methodologies.

IT Staff Augmentation Improves Your Team and Your Results!

Don’t Worry, Friend! Offshore Outsourcing of Software Development Will Save You!

I recently spoke to a friend who was grappling with a real problem. She had just come from a staff meeting where senior executives announced their intention to create a business application for sale to the market. Senior management was quite excited about the opportunity but all my friend could see were problems. The idea itself was great but the execution would definitely be an issue. The existing internal IT staff did not have the time, the resources or the skills to get the job done but my friend knew she would have to find a way.

What COVID-19 Has Taught Us About the Importance of Digital Transformation in Business!

The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has taught us many hard lessons, not the least of which is the importance of being prepared, the importance of anticipating what may be just around the corner, and the importance of being able to theorize, hypothesize and predict. All of these skills are amply supplied by data scientists and analysts. But, in today’s world, it is crucial to prepare and educate the average business team member to improve data literacy and engage in digital transformation (Dx). As the idea of data popularity becomes more mainstream, and team members and industries embrace data sharing and fact-based decision making, our understanding of looming issues, collaborative possibilities and possible solutions to address these issues will improve and so will our response time and efficacy.

4 Cautionary Factors in Employing IT Staff Augmentation!

There are many reasons to engage an IT consultant and employ IT staff augmentation and there are many benefits when it is done right. Businesses can quickly scale up and down to accommodate a project or meet a need. They can engage talent with specific skills and training to meet the requirements of their current and future business landscape. The business can mitigate the cost of training to keep IT skills current, and ensure staffing flexibility to fill in the gaps in a project team or for ongoing support, and it can accommodate its budget with the right experience, training and skills at an affordable cost. In this article, we discuss four areas of caution and attention your business must consider before engaging a partner for IT staff augmentation.