White Paper – Generative AI (GenAI): The Benefits and Application of AI in Analytics

White Paper – Generative AI (GenAI): The Benefits and Application of AI in Analytics

If your enterprise wishes to consider AI in analytics, and plan for its future potential and growth, it is wise to first understand the state of the technology today, the various ways in which AI can inform and improve analytics for your business, the factors you will need to consider to choose the right analytics solution and the things your business should include in its vendor and solution review.

Can Business Users Really Use BI Tools?

Don’t Leave Your Business Users Out in the Cold. Give Them BI Tools!

Don’t underestimate your business users! They have market, domain and professional expertise that add value to the organization and, with the right BI tools and features, business users can gather, analyze and make decisions using data from all across the enterprise. You don’t have to leave the business intelligence and analytics efforts to IT or business analysts or data scientists.