3 Reasons You May Want to Consider Staff Augmentation Services!

When a business has more IT projects and initiatives than it can handle, it will often look to hire more internal IT staff members. But hiring takes time, interviewing is imperfect and part time or full time employees require management, benefits and office space. While a business might need one-time project support, or ongoing support for development, maintenance and support, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to staffing. In addition to these issues, there is the very real issue of ongoing training and skills enhancement. That costs money and, when a team member is out for training, someone else must cover for that team member. So, what is a business to do?

The Right Technology Partner is Key to Success!

Don’t Take a Chance! A Technology Partner Should Focus on YOU!

Whether your business is a public sector, government agency, web agency or software company…or any other business or industry for that matter…you need good relationships. Relationships with customers, suppliers and stakeholders help you define your success and support your brand and image.

Offshore Outsourcing Company- White Paper on How to Select an Offshore Development Partner

When you engage an offshore service provider, you must predict measurable results and achievements in order to justify the cost of acquiring the service. Ideally, the value of the service should exceed, or at the very least, be equal to, the monetary investment. If the value of a service or product is particularly unique, the organization may be willing to pay more for that service or product. This document includes some recommended value factors for your consideration. We have also included two approaches to analyze vendor value. One is a ‘risk’ assessment and the other is a ‘weighted value’ assessment. You may use one of these two methodologies to calculate the value of a vendor service offering versus the quoted cost or fee.

Download the Whitepaper: Offshore Outsourcing Company- White Paper on How to Select an Offshore Development Partner

Offshore is AWESOME! Get Yourself a Secret Weapon


I recently met a colleague at a conference and we were talking about the importance of partnerships. I told my colleague that for a number of years, our business has leveraged offshore services and he seemed quite surprised. That conversation reminded me that many people are still under the impression that offshore partnerships are unwieldy, undependable and result in poor outcomes. Nothing could be further from the truth. The key to a successful offshore partnership is the same as the key to any relationship. You have to choose the right partner!
