Use Smart Data Visualization to Improve Decisions!

Smart Data Visualization and Personalized Dashboards Improve Data Insight and Team Collaboration!

Augmented Analytics was designed to remove the barriers erected by the traditional business intelligence and analytics solutions. In order to achieve data democratization and improve data literacy among team members within an enterprise, the organization must provide simple, easy-to-understand solutions that display analytical results in a way that is meaningful and intuitive.

Traditional & Modern BI and Analytics: A Perfect Combination Solutions!

Combine Traditional BI with Modern BI and Analytics to Improve User Adoption and Gain Advantage!

The world-renowned technology research firm, Gartner, predicts that, ‘through 2024, 50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives’. As businesses consider the options for data analytics, it is important to understand the impact of solution selection.

BI Tools with R Integration Make Users Happy!

What is R Scripting and Why Do I Need it Integrated in My BI Tool?

Don’t you hate it when someone blurts out a mysterious term at a business conference and you are left to decide whether to reveal your ignorance by asking what they are talking about, or simply nodding your head and smiling as if you understand and agree? I hate it when that happens.

Insight and Perspective: The Gifts of Augmented Analytics!

Augmented Analytics: Insight Comes from Perspective!

Perspective is everything. You can stare at numbers and columns all day and never see the one nugget of information that will give you insight and help you solve a problem or find that one opportunity to drive the business to the next level. When you and your business users can leverage augmented analytics tools, without worrying about complex algorithms or writing code or designing reports, you can find those elusive nuggets of information and use them to improve your business results.

Business Users LOVE Smart Data Visualization!

Can Smart Data Visualization Make My Business Smarter?

All the data in the world can’t help you improve your business results unless you can sift through it and see it in a way that tells a story – a story that leads you to a conclusion, helps you solve a problem or allows you to see how your business can grow, change and succeed. Columnar reports and a sea of data are a barrier to insight. But, that doesn’t have to be YOUR problem.

Can Smart Data Visualization Help My Business Users?

Without Smart Data Visualization Tools, Business Users Will Not Embrace Analytics!

If you want your business users to have access to analytics tools that are easy enough for the average user to understand, you will want to select augmented analytics that are easy to use with guidance and recommendations to help the user achieve the results they want AND help the user understand those results once they finish the analysis.

Advanced Analytics Tools and Visual Analytics!

Visual Analytics is Important to Advanced Analytics!

The Importance of Data Visualization Cannot be Overstated!

Data visualization may not seem important, but the way you see data can provide additional insight or it can muddle the picture to the point where you will miss critical issues or opportunities. The importance of data visualization is even more evident when that data is being analyzed by business users who are not likely to see data in an analytical way and probably do not have the knowledge or skill required to change visualization techniques to accommodate a particular type of data.


Software for Data Visualization to Improve Your Results!

Smart Data Visualization Makes Your Users Smarter!

Data Visualization Tools that are Smarter Can Make Users Smarter!

Visual Analytics tools enable users to identify relationships, patterns, trends and opportunities and to explore detailed data with simple drill down and drill through capabilities and make sense of data from all sources, with a guided approach that allows users to identify patterns and trends, and quickly complete analysis with clear results.


Smart Data Visualization Gets it Done!

Want Smarter Users? Get Smart Data Visualization!

Smart Data Visualization Makes Your Users Smarter!

What on earth is smart data visualization? Is it a computer that actually ‘sees’ data for you and does the analysis? Not quite. Sorry to say that even with advanced analytics that provides smart data visualization, you will have to do SOME work, but fortunately, you will not have to guess!
