White Paper – Enabling Business Optimization and Expense Reduction Through the Use of Augmented Analytics

White Paper – Enabling Business Optimization and Expense Reduction Through the Use of Augmented Analytics

No matter the reason or the goal, when an enterprise chooses the right Augmented Analytics solution and carefully plans for and executes its implementation, it can optimize business results, reduce expenses and improve its market position, customer satisfaction and user adoption, and it is key to transforming business users to Citizen Data Scientists to improve results and team skills. Here, we examine the benefits of Augmented Analytics and how to plan and successfully execute an Augmented Analytics initiative.

Traditional & Modern BI and Analytics: A Perfect Combination Solutions!

Combine Traditional BI with Modern BI and Analytics to Improve User Adoption and Gain Advantage!

The world-renowned technology research firm, Gartner, predicts that, ‘through 2024, 50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives’. As businesses consider the options for data analytics, it is important to understand the impact of solution selection.

Assisted Predictive Modeling is Your Secret Weapon!

Predictive Analytics That is Easy Enough for Any Business User!

Predictive analytics may seem too complex for business users but with advanced technology like machine learning and features like assisted predictive modeling users can dive into the process without the skills of an IT professional or a data scientist. Assisted predictive modeling frees the user by providing system recommendations that will suggest the right analytical technique and achieve the best fit for what the user wants to do, ensuring that they use the most appropriate algorithm for the data they wish to analyze.

Increase Team Member Value with Augmented Analytics!

Make the Most of Your Team Member Skills with Augmented Analytics!

Every business owner and manager understands the problem of limited resources. Today, you have fewer team members and you must do more to compete in the market. To enhance productivity and collaboration and ensure that every team member is making better decisions, it is wise to implement augmented analytics within your organization.

Using Predictive Analytics to Understand Your Business Future!

Can Predictive Analytics REALLY Help My Business During These Uncertain Times?

How accurate is predictive analytics? Is it worth using for my business? How can forecasting and prediction help me in such an uncertain environment? These are all valid questions and they are they are questions your business (and your fellow business owners) must grapple with to understand the value of planning and analytical tools.

Auto Insights Provide Simple Answers for Business Users!

How Can I Make it Easier for Business Users to Perform Analytics?

When a business wants to roll out advanced analytics to its business users, it must consider the average skill level and understanding of analytical techniques and ensure that the solution it chooses will support its project goals. One of the most important factors of business user analytics is user-friendly, simple analytics in an augmented analytics environment.

Plan Precisely with Predictive Analytics!

Is Predictive Analytics Real or Does it Promise More Than it Delivers?

Why would anyone want or need to use predictive analytics? What good is forecasting anyway? Doesn’t it always end up being wrong? Well, no! That’s why wise businesses use these techniques to plan and forecast and to understand how a change they are considering might impact their business success. Nearly every organization today is using analytics to improve productivity, competitive positioning, market presence, financial investment strategies, price point planning, risk mitigation and many other business factors.

Give Your Business Users Simple Augmented Analytics!

Business Users Don’t Have to Be Data Scientists (But Basic Knowledge is Great)

When you launch an analytics solution within your enterprise, you are probably concerned about getting your business users to adopt that solution. If you can’t engage the business user and achieve user adoption, your return on investment (ROI) will be poor!  But, it is important to understand that the right augmented analytics solution can provide the structure and foundation for business users without requiring them to have a sophisticated knowledge of algorithms and analytical techniques.

Advanced Analytics Platform for Business Users!

Augmented Analytics Platforms Can Encourage Business Growth!

Advanced Analytics for Business Users is Key to Business Success!

Most businesses are choosing advanced analytics for business users and there is a good reason for that! Even the largest businesses rarely have an unlimited budget for data scientists and the trend toward data democratization has revealed the value in enabling business users with a data and analytics platform that is easy and mobile and can provide clear, concise results for planning, issue resolution and management of results at every level within the organization.


Assisted Predictive Modeling for All Users!

Predictive Modeling for Every Business User!

Predictive Analytics Techniques That Are Easy Enough for Business Users!

There are a myriad of predictive analytics techniques and predictive modeling algorithms and you can’t expect your business users to understand and use them. If you are taking on an advanced analytics initiative and you want to leverage data democratization to cascade data analytics and data literacy throughout the organization, you will need a data modeling solution that takes the guesswork out of the process.
