Natural Language Processing Analytics for Business Users!

Clickless Analytics in Augmented Analytics Solution Supports Users with Simple Searches and Results!

Every consumer and business user loves the new world of search and query. Google-type searches offer the ability to ask a question in simple form, and receive an answer you can understand. You don’t have to be a data scientist, a rocket scientist, a statistician or a data guru to perform the search or to understand the results!

Smarten Augmented Analytics Receives CERT-IN Certification for Its Products and Services!

Smarten announces the recent certification of its Smarten Augmented Analytics Software product by CERT-IN. CERT-IN, or the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, is an India government-approved organization for upholding information technology (IT) security, and is a well-renowned application security standard, respected within the technology community. It was initiated in 2004 by the Department of Information Technology for implementing the provisions of the 2008 Information Technology Amendment Act. CERT-IN certification is provided by a CERT Empaneled Security Auditor following a detailed security audit to review all components of the organization network including websites, systems, applications, etc. After completion of the testing procedure, the certificate is provided to show that all requirements were met.

Please Consider Your Business Users When Selecting an Analytics and Data Search Tool!

This article should serve as a plea on behalf of the average business user!

Business users are business professionals who have expertise in an industry or market arena or perform a function to support the ongoing operation of the business – professionals who may be front line workers on a production line, finance professionals, sales representatives, non-profit office workers, medical researchers, middle managers, regional managers for retail chains, transportation dispatchers or…well, you get the idea. These team members know their job and they do it well. But, they probably don’t have the technical skills to write a SQL query, or to filter out the columns and fields for an analytical search in order to get the results they need to make a decision.

Include Clickless Analytics in Your Data Democratization Project!

How Can Clickless Analytics Help My Business Succeed in Data Democratization?

Gartner predicts that ‘… augmented analytics will be ubiquitous, but only 10% of users will use it to its full potential.’ One of the primary reasons that augmented analytics is not adopted and leveraged to its full capacity is that the business chooses a solution that is not easy enough for team members to adopt – one that is restrictive, inaccessible or requires sophisticated skills.

Smarten Announces Sentiment Analysis Capability Designed for Business Users!

Smarten is pleased to announce the addition of Sentiment Analysis features and functionality to its innovative, augmented analytics solution. Sentiment Analysis enables businesses with easy-to-use tools that provide insight into what customers, stakeholders and others are thinking, thereby allowing business teams to improve products and services.

SME Businesses Must Engage in Culture Change to Successfully Integrate Self-Serve Advanced Analytics!

Small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) are often challenged to satisfy all the roles and responsibilities in the organization and most team members wear more than one hat. That feeling of being overstretched is typical of growing businesses and, in an increasingly competitive market with businesses fighting for skilled resources, it is difficult to meet budget and scheduling goals and get it all done.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): The Value of Context-Driven Searches!

Natural Language Processing (NLP) may not be a term that everyone is familiar with but all consumers and business users are certainly aware of its power. You use natural language processing every day when you perform a search in Google using questions written in the same way one would speak or write to another person. Whether you know it or not, you are using NLP to process, interpret and return results that meet your criteria.

How Can NLP Help My Business Implement Self-Serve Analytics?

What is Natural Language Processing and Why Do I Need it in My Advanced Analytics Solution?

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing utilizes artificial intelligence to translate computer code and language into real world, human language. While the goal is to simplify human interaction with computers, NLP is a complex mix of computational linguistics and computer science. When a business is considering an augmented analytics solution that leverages natural language processing, it need not concern itself with the complicated underpinning of code and design, but should rather consider what NLP can do for its users and for its business results.

Data Democratization Think of it as Home Renovation!

The focus of this article is on Data Democratization within the business enterprise, but the concepts and approaches involved in implementing this type of initiative are worth considering for any kind of major change within an organization.

Insight and Perspective: The Gifts of Augmented Analytics!

Augmented Analytics: Insight Comes from Perspective!

Perspective is everything. You can stare at numbers and columns all day and never see the one nugget of information that will give you insight and help you solve a problem or find that one opportunity to drive the business to the next level. When you and your business users can leverage augmented analytics tools, without worrying about complex algorithms or writing code or designing reports, you can find those elusive nuggets of information and use them to improve your business results.