How Do I Prove the Value of Self-Serve Augmented Data Discovery?

How Do I Prove The Value Of Self-Serve Augmented Data Discovery?

How does one measure the effectiveness of a new Augmented Data Discovery solution? Once the business has chosen data democratization and implemented a self-serve analytics solution, it must measure ROI & TCO and establish metrics that will compare business results achieved before and after the implementation.


You Can Have BI Tools AND R Integration!

Look for a BI Solution with R Integration!

Business Intelligence and R Scripting Integration!

When you choose a BI tool that is appropriate for your business users, you may be focused on ease-of-use and on Citizen Data Scientist and data democratization and data literacy initiatives but, don’t forget your analysts, data scientists and IT team members!


Data Modeling Pulls it All Together for the Business!

Predictive Modeling Creates a Clear Picture of the Future!

What is Predictive Analytics and How Can it Help My Business?

What is predictive analytics? Put simply, predictive analytics is a method used to forecast and predict the future results and needs of an organization using historical data and a comprehensive set of data from across and outside the enterprise.


Software Testing Ensures Application Success!

Application and Software Product Testing is Crucial!

Software Product and App Projects Must Include Comprehensive Testing!

So much testing and so little time. Whether you are planning to create a business application or you are doing software product development for the market, testing is critical to success and will protect your reputation and ensure that you mitigate risk of legal action, privacy or security violation.


Big Data and Cloud Development Services!

Big Data and Cloud Solutions Need Not be Daunting!

Big Data Development Services and Cloud Solutions Can Enable Productivity!

Big data and cloud development services can be daunting. Technologies, frameworks, platforms, languages and techniques can include Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Hadoop, Amazon Redshift, Spark, Cassandra, Parquet and others. If your internal IT team is undertaking big data and cloud development, the organization may find itself mired in complex collections of technologies.


Augmented Analytics with Smart Data Visualization!

Smart Data Visualization Works for All Business Users!

Smart Data Visualization and Augmented Analytics Makes Users Smarter!

Why is smart data visualization important? Consider how difficult it would be to put together a jigsaw puzzle if you were blindfolded. You might have access to all the pieces, but you could not truly see the picture unless you were able to visualize the outcome.


Business Intelligence Tools Are Suitable for Business Users!

Business Intelligence and Analytics Need Not Be Complicated!

Data Analysis is Easier than Ever Today!

Business intelligence and analytics is not just for data scientists or IT professionals anymore. If your business is going to be successful, it must compete and it must solve problems, find opportunities and plan with accuracy. There is no time for a misstep in the market!


Data Discovery, Data Visualization: You Can Have it All!

Augmented Analytics Software: Frustration Free!

Self-Service Data Prep and Advanced Analytics for Business Users!

Are your business users trying their best to leverage advanced analytics tools, only to find that the software solution requires them to be an expert in data science? Do your users have to ask IT to professional analysts for data preparation assistance in order to ensure that they can access, prepare and use the data they need to analyze.


Engage a Custom Software Development Company!

App Development and Custom Software Development!

Software Product Development and App Development Services To Achieve Your Goals!

Every business has an IT team (or at least one IT pro on premises). If you are a start-up, your IT pro may have other tasks to perform and if you are a small or medium sized business, your IT team is probably overwhelmed with your growing need for hardware, network, support, reports, database management, and other tasks.
