Your Business Data Can Be Popular with Social BI!

Social Business Intelligence Creates a Business User Community!

Everyone over the age of five knows about social networks and social media. No matter which platform you prefer and how you choose to share your thoughts and ideas, you are no doubt engaged in the networking world. When it comes to business intelligence and analytics, there is no reason you can’t employ the same techniques to share, collaborate, create and innovate.

Business Users Can and Will Adopt Self-Serve BI Tools!

Choose the Right Self-Serve BI Tools and Ensure User Adoption!

When your business users are asked to take on yet another responsibility, they are likely to balk. Most companies are short-handed and expect more of their team members than ever before. There are a lot of good reasons to initiate data democratization and engage in digital transformation to modernize and improve the enterprise and to improve results. If the business can encourage data sharing and collaboration, it can also improve the shared knowledge of the team and create accountability and empowerment. In so doing, the business can leverage the knowledge and skill of each team member and ensure that every business user is working to their full potential with the all the information they need to solve problems and to capitalize on opportunities.

You Can Have BI Tools AND R Integration!

Look for a BI Solution with R Integration!

Business Intelligence and R Scripting Integration!

When you choose a BI tool that is appropriate for your business users, you may be focused on ease-of-use and on Citizen Data Scientist and data democratization and data literacy initiatives but, don’t forget your analysts, data scientists and IT team members!


Self-Serve BI Tools with Elegant Data Governance!

Business Intelligence and Analytics with Data Governance!

BI Tools That Ensure Data Governance AND Business User Access!

Your business is excited about the prospect of implementing a self-serve business intelligence solution! You have heard your colleagues talk about the benefits of data democratization, and you know your business users will take full advantage of BI reporting, social BI, and mobile BI, and that they understand the importance of business intelligence and analytics. You want all the advantages offered by a great business intelligence solution, the BI dashboard, KPI software, and all those useful Business Intelligence Tools


A Self-Serve BI Solution Adds Value!

Understand the Value of BI Tools!

BI Software Adds Value to Every Organization!

In spite of the fact that trade publications and business conferences have been talking about business intelligence and BI software for years, there are still some business executives and business owners that do not understand how business intelligence tools can help the organization achieve its goals and stay ahead of the competition.


Is Your Self Service BI Tool REALLY Self-Serve?

Don't Accept Anything Less Than True Self Service BI Tools!

Sometimes Self Service BI Software Isn’t Really Self-Serve!

Today’s businesses and business users are more demanding than ever. No one has patience these days for tools, applications or products that offer no value or are frustrating or restrictive. So, when you hear the term ‘self-serve business intelligence’, you had better be sure you know whether the claim is valid before you choose a product.
