Business Users Can and Will Adopt Self-Serve BI Tools!

Choose the Right Self-Serve BI Tools and Ensure User Adoption!

When your business users are asked to take on yet another responsibility, they are likely to balk. Most companies are short-handed and expect more of their team members than ever before. There are a lot of good reasons to initiate data democratization and engage in digital transformation to modernize and improve the enterprise and to improve results. If the business can encourage data sharing and collaboration, it can also improve the shared knowledge of the team and create accountability and empowerment. In so doing, the business can leverage the knowledge and skill of each team member and ensure that every business user is working to their full potential with the all the information they need to solve problems and to capitalize on opportunities.

Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users!

Smarten Launches Clickless Analytics Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics for Business Users

Smarten announces its Smarten Clickless Analytics, a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Search Analytics tool designed for every business user, no matter their technical expertise or data skills. Natural Language Processing Search Analytics (NLP) is an easy-to-use search analytics technique that allows business users to create complex searches without endless clicks and complex navigation and commands. Using this familiar Google-type Clickless Analytics, users can leverage these tools to discover trends and patterns, receiving results in simple, clear language the user can understand.