The Two Best Reasons to Use Hybrid Mobile App Development!

The mobile application market is bigger and provides more opportunities than ever before and its potential is nearly limitless!  As businesses line up to create and sell mobile applications, they strive to avoid missteps. It is imperative to choose the right foundation for your mobile application and yet it may be hard to choose. But, most businesses cannot afford to create a mobile application for each native environment. So, what is a business to do?

IT Staff Augmentation Improves Your Team and Your Results!

Don’t Worry, Friend! Offshore Outsourcing of Software Development Will Save You!

I recently spoke to a friend who was grappling with a real problem. She had just come from a staff meeting where senior executives announced their intention to create a business application for sale to the market. Senior management was quite excited about the opportunity but all my friend could see were problems. The idea itself was great but the execution would definitely be an issue. The existing internal IT staff did not have the time, the resources or the skills to get the job done but my friend knew she would have to find a way.

Citizen Data Scientists Need to Understand Their Role!

Before You Deploy a Citizen Data Scientist Initiative, Understand What That Means!

When a business takes on the task of transforming business users to Citizen Data Scientists, they might have very clear goals mind but they may not have a firm grasp on what the role means or how to provide the business user with an understanding of what the role will be (what it will not be) and how it will change their day-to-day work.

Three Reasons Your Business Should Consider the Android Platform for Custom Mobile Apps!

Oh the woes of an Android owner. There are so many iPhone devices out there now that, even the impressive growth of the Android market seems to be overshadowed by the iPhone owner and developer base. But, that should not discourage a business, an IT consultant or a developer. There is plenty of need for Android apps and plenty of customer interest in new apps for Android devices.

What COVID-19 Has Taught Us About the Importance of Digital Transformation in Business!

The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has taught us many hard lessons, not the least of which is the importance of being prepared, the importance of anticipating what may be just around the corner, and the importance of being able to theorize, hypothesize and predict. All of these skills are amply supplied by data scientists and analysts. But, in today’s world, it is crucial to prepare and educate the average business team member to improve data literacy and engage in digital transformation (Dx). As the idea of data popularity becomes more mainstream, and team members and industries embrace data sharing and fact-based decision making, our understanding of looming issues, collaborative possibilities and possible solutions to address these issues will improve and so will our response time and efficacy.

Digital Transformation Services to Transform Ideas to Reality!

There is nothing more damaging to a business than the inability to leverage great, innovative ideas to improve services, increase revenue and enhance positive market visibility. Often, these shortcomings are due to resource or skills limitations, and when it comes to software development, mobile application development and software product development ideas, these resource and skills limitations are very common.

Three Reasons to Choose the iPhone Platform for Mobile App Development!

Your business has decided to create a mobile application for the market and you are wondering which platform to use. You have a lot riding on the success of this product and it seems logical to put your money on the iPhone environment and on iPhone application development, if for no other reason than the popularity and widespread use of the iPhone. That alone seems to ensure success across the broadest user base.

Four Business Considerations for Selection of Analytics to Complement Shopify eCommerce!

If your business uses Shopify for eCommerce, you are already well aware of the features and benefits inherent in the software solution. Still, as the eCommerce market explodes, there is a greater need for business strategy and for refining the customer approach in order to remain competitive.

Augmented Analytics Solution: Pass or Fail?

Choose an Augmented Analytics Solution Your Business Users Will WANT to Adopt!

Your senior management team has decided to engender digital transformation and improve data literacy across the enterprise. As a primary step in this process, the team wants to implement an augmented analytics solution that will encourage business users to get involved in data analytics, to use data to make fact-based decisions and to present, report and collaborate using real, current and clear information that will support collaboration and improve results.

Four Important Advantages of Apache Spark!

Spark is a distributed open-source cluster-computing framework and includes an interface for programming a full suite of clusters with comprehensive fault tolerance and support for data parallelism. Spark can be used effectively to provide support for Java, Scala, Python and R programming and is suitable for SQL, streaming data, processing graphs and for machine learning.