IdeaLab An Exceptional Product, Resulting From a Distinguished, Elegant MicroWeb Partnership

Elegant MicroWeb, of Ahmedabad, India, proudly celebrates the success of the IdeaLab product, an Idea Management application designed and developed for partner, Organized Feedback (Formerly CommunityPeople Ltd) of Edinburgh, Scotland. Organized Feedback specializes in best practices for idea management and IdeaLab helps organizations conceive, connect, incubate, evaluate and implement ideas through employee engagement.Elegant MicroWeb CEO, Kartik Patel says, “We have been working with Organized Feedback for sixteen years, as a dedicated offshore development partner. We provide a strong, stable foundation for the Organized Feedback organization, with a portfolio of services that includes the complete product development life cycle to conceive and create applications that effectively support the Organized Feedback team and its customers.”


WordPress 4.0 and Beyond. A Framework and Market Worth Exploring


There are many appealing features in the WordPress framework and the WordPress developers recently released a 4.0 version that has enhanced some features and added others.

A 4.0.1 WordPress release addressed critical security issues and closes the gap through which anonymous users could compromise a site. We anxiously await the next generation of WordPress tools and the announcement of strategic market expansion.

There are many appealing features in the Content Management System (CMS) WordPress framework and the WordPress developers recently released a 4.0 version that has enhanced some features and added others.


Compelling Reasons to Allow Net Neutrality to Continue Uninhibited

Net neutrality is synonymous with open internet wherein no restriction is imposed on the content or communication mode viewed or used by individuals. In the technical jargon, it implies that the Internet Service Provider cannot block or discriminate against any internet application over its network. In common parlance, when net neutrality is violated by ISPs, it is equivalent to saying that your phone company decides which contacts you can speak to over its network and what you can say.

Why is it important?
Net neutrality promotes free speech and allows us to avail applications that can significantly bring down the amount earlier expended on conventional modes of communication.


When users and customers are happy…so are you! Ux design does the trick


Great Ux design is proven to result in better business performance, user adoption and customer satisfaction. Want more revenue? Pay attention to your user interface!

ElegantJ BI Releases Integration API for Embedded Business Intelligence Analytics Within Applications

ElegantJ BI API integration

ElegantJ BI recently launched version 4 of its BI Suite, with easy-to-use API integration for 3rd party applications. ElegantJ BI is the flagship business intelligence product of Elegant MicroWeb, a software company, located in Ahmedabad, India and specializing in Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management.Elegant MicroWeb CEO, Kartik Patel says, “Our new version 4.0 provides easy to use API through web services and Java script, to easily embed ElegantJ BI dashboards, reports, KPI and graphs into other vendor applications or in-house applications. This capability allows other vendors and in-house technical staff to provide embedded BI analytics and dashboards to their application users with fast, affordable implementation and mobile access.”


Lonnie Lost the WordPress Blues!


If you are an IT pro, or a blogger, you may know WordPress. It’s a very popular framework for content management systems (CMS), media sites, and even eCommerce. But, here’s the deal…you may have heard that, with the hundreds of WordPress themes, and easy dashboard interface, WordPress development is easy. And, for a simple application, that is often true. But, my friend, Lonnie can tell you what happened to him. He started simply and, as many small businesses do, his site and requirements grew and soon he was dealing with interoperability, upgrades, new widgets, a site redesign and new theme, and a variety of thorny issues that took up all his time and patience.

Lonnie had a business to run, and what he really needed was someone to redesign, upgrade and recommend tools and widgets and incorporate, monitor and manage on an ongoing basis.With a little help from his friend (me), Lonnie put his WordPress site in the hands of experts and focused on core competencies. His site is competitive, easy to navigate, generates traffic, is easy to update with fresh content, integrates with social network sites, AND is affordable.


‘You pay, I work’.. The partnering myth in IT, is not partnering…

“Right off the bat, let me clear one thing…. this is for people looking for right partners to do Enterprise class IT i.e. Software or Product Development Works… because that is my business…

Having been in IT i.e. Software Development business since the late 1990’s my company is quite old for its industry and accordingly so, we do enjoy a very good team, infrastructure and people. Largely being technology driven than marketing, we attribute our success and sustenance to Great Partnerships that started off at very small scale and went about becoming a consistent stay with us for years and thus becoming naturalized Partnerships.As of today, we have delivered software solutions to giants in different industry and consistently honed our skills to remain relevant and efficient, got in to product development & delivered an awesome product that is rated among the top 20 BI products to emerge from India.
