White Paper: Return on Investment (ROI) The Cost vs. Value Equation for Offshore Software and Technology Projects


When you engage an offshore service provider, you must predict measurable results and achievements in order to justify the cost of acquiring the service. Ideally, the value of the service should exceed, or at the very least, be equal to, the monetary investment. If the value of a service or product is particularly unique, the organization may be willing to pay more for that service or product. This document includes some recommended value factors for your consideration. We have also included two approaches to analyze vendor value. One is a ‘risk’ assessment and the other is a ‘weighted value’ assessment. You may use one of these two methodologies to calculate the value of a vendor service offering versus the quoted cost or fee.


White Paper on How to Select an Offshore Development Partner


The successful offshore partnership does not happen by accident. There are numerous things to consider and plan to ensure that your enterprise will achieve positive results and enjoy a fruitful relationship with your offshore partner.


Perils of $8 or $10/hr Development Companies


There is nothing wrong in being able to price low and selling at half or less than half the price as long the service quality is at least 80% of the sustained market price.Low priced services offering matching quality often tend to be disruptive to the markets and customers benefit significantly from what has to be done.

However, being simply low priced and expecting the economics and sociology to work on its own is something that will equate to having one size fits all approach to business.


Visual Analytics is for Monitoring. Deep Dive is for Discovery!

Deep Dive Analysis

Handling large amounts of data for business analytics can be challenging. To defeat data overload and manage those mountains of data, you need smart aggregation and consolidation of relevant data encompassing appropriate contextual information over a relevant period.

New BI tools have made this job easier with deep dive technology that enables simple analytics and allows you to leverage sophisticated tools, in an easy-to-use environment so that you can not only report on your data but you can get to those hidden nuggets of data that will have the most impact on your organization.


Do Your Apps Provide Privacy Protection and Informed Consent?


A survey over 1,200 mobile apps by 26 privacy regulators from the world has shown that a high number of apps are accessing large amounts of personal information without adequately explaining how people’s information is being used.

ElegantJ BI Joins With Tally Solutions to Offer Tally Customers Integrated BI Tools

ElegantJ BI Joins With Tally Solutions to Offer Tally Customers Integrated BI Tools

ElegantJ BI is proud to announce its ISV relationship with Tally Solutions, combining Business Intelligence with the popular Tally® accounting solution. The ElegantJ BI business intelligence Tally® partnership benefits small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), by supporting their ongoing usage of the popular Tally® ERP and accounting solution, and helping Tally customers to leverage the value of Tally in an integrated, scalable environment that supports company and user base growth, and enables true self-serve business intelligence reporting and in-depth analysis.ElegantJ BI CEO, Kartik Patel says, “This integral relationship allows Tally Solutions customers to drive performance and to integrate ERP, CRM, HR, inventory and other data with their Tally data with an affordable, one-day installation process and complete support for enterprise needs.”


Cloud and Mobile Enabling Enterprise Businesses

Cloud & Mobile Enabling Enterprise Businesses


How to develop a cloud based mobile application that is also a Software as a Service? What if you can build it for say less than $2000.How is it even possible?

Good question.

Let us find out…


Yahoo Stores to Shopify Migration

Yahoo to Shopify

Introduction: Are you thinking of migrating your store from Yahoo to Shopify? Then, you have come to the right place. We are Shopify Experts and we have defined here the limitations of Yahoo over Shopify that could help you make your decision quicker and faster.


Mobile Business Intelligence for Business Clarity and Agility


Today’s business users are mobile, so business intelligence must be mobile! To satisfy user requirements, your business must provide flexible BI and CPM with dependable, accessible, intuitive interface that will allow users to perform tasks, analyze data, and receive and act on critical alerts while on the road, or working in a home office or elsewhere.


BE the Pied Piper with High Performance Internet Marketing


What do the Pied Piper and Internet Marketing have in common? My tech partner describes internet marketing as ‘the art of subtle, non-intrusive, high visibility’. I like that description because it says, in a nutshell, what every business wants to achieve with marketing. We want our customers to see us and consider our products and services. We want them to prefer our services and products and buy what we are selling BUT we do not want them to perceive us as ‘in their face’ and they don’t have to endure high pressure sales or obnoxious marketing techniques.
