Social Media and Digital Transformation!

When businesses consider implementing a Digital Transformation (Dx) strategy, many will struggle with the idea of improved customer satisfaction. How can streamlining and automating processes and enabling the use of technology translate into improved customer interaction and build brand and relationship stability?

Business Success with Digital Transformation!

Why Is Digital Transformation Important to My Business?

According to IDC, ‘89% of enterprises are planning to adopt or have already adopted a digital business strategy.’ There is a very good reason for this impressive adoption rate. Actually, there are many good reasons. As with any other business decision, senior management weighs the value and benefits of a new strategy against the cost and time to make the change.

There Are Many Benefits to Hybrid Mobile App Development!

Hybrid Mobile App Development Benefits Far Outweigh Native Development!

According to a recent study by Statista, 1.64 million mobile apps were available in the Apple App Store, and 3.55 million mobile apps were available on the Google Play Store. That’s a lot of apps! And, if you are a business, considering a business or consumer application project, you would be wise to consider both markets. Why would an enterprise ignore millions of potential customers and choose only one development environment, when it can appeal to and attract customers and users for both Android and iOS devices with a Hybrid Mobile Application Development approach?