Digital Transformation Must Include Current and Future Staff!

In recent studies, 49% of the organizations surveyed about Digital Transformation (Dx) initiatives reported that Dx gave the business the ability to better manage business performance through data availability. When it comes to Digital Transformation strategies, the wise enterprise knows to involve its team members in the requirements planning and in planning for execution and transition.

Should My Business Focus On Digital Transformation?

Just Some (of the Many) Reasons to Undertake Digital Transformation (Dx)!

According to an Accenture study, ‘30% of companies are still considered laggards in technology adoption and innovation.’ Hopefully, your organization is not among those laggard companies! Digital Transformation (Dx) is important for many reasons, not the least of which is competitive positioning. If your business is not actively working on improving its digital response, work processes, approval procedures and customer interaction, you are already behind the competition!

Embedded BI and Augmented Analytics Support ISV Partner Clients!

How Can Embedded BI Help ISV Partners Improve Revenue and Market Visibility?!

Recent research reveals that 67% of companies surveyed say time spent in their applications increased after they embedded analytics. Why do you suppose that is?

Consider PHP and Laravel for Your Web App!

Combine Laravel and PHP and Hire PHP Programmers for Your Web App!

Laravel is a PHP web application framework. According to recent surveys, Laravel represents 9.45% of the web frameworks reported in use by developers. It is growing in popularity among PHP developers. The Laravel product is designed specifically to simplify common development tasks for web projects, e.g., routing, authentication, sessions, caching, etc.

Consider Software Development Partners for SME Success!

Ramp Up Your Results with a Software Development Partnership for Your SME!

According to a Partnerize study, 54% of companies say that partnerships drive more than 20% of total company revenue. If you are a small or medium sized enterprise, and you have not already recognized the value of a well-conceived partnership, you are missing out!

Digital Transformation Includes a Thorough Technology Review!

What Technologies Should I Include in My Digital Transformation (Dx) Strategy?

Deloitte reports that ‘The implementation of digital technologies can help accelerate progress towards enterprise goals such as financial returns, workforce diversity, and environmental targets by 22%.’