Self-Service Data Prep: A Tool for All Business Users!

Can Self-Serve Data Prep Make My Business More Productive?

Why Do I Need Self-Serve Data Preparation?

Why would your business need Self-Serve Data Preparation? Perhaps you have a team that includes IT professionals that can prepare data for analysis or maybe you have a business analyst or a data scientist to serve that need. But, there are plenty of good reasons to consider data preparation tools that are easy enough for every team member to use.

Consider Software Re-Engineering to Protect Your Investment!

Software Reengineering is Key to Business Viability!

An ERP Software Re-Engineering Project Will Save Your Technology Investment!

When a business invests in software and applications, it invests time and money and training. It comes to depend on the software and solutions and its team members become familiar with the ebb and flow of information and the resulting business processes and workflow that grows up around these solutions.

Get Answers to Your Questions About Digital Transformation!

Digital Transformation Does Not Have To Be A Mystery!

Do You Have Questions About Digital Transformation? We Have Answers!

If you’ve heard the Digital Transformation buzz, you probably have a lot of questions. Let’s dive into some of those questions and see if we can clear up the confusion!

Modern BI & Mobile BI for Business Users!

Modern BI and Data Literacy Go Hand in Hand!

Mobile BI and Personalized Dashboards: Important Components of Modern BI!

If your team is using business intelligence (and it should be), you may be working with a more restrictive business solution that is not designed for a business user. If that is the case, you are missing an opportunity to cascade analytics throughout the organization and to optimize your resources and improve productivity. Self-Serve Business Intelligence solutions are designed with guidance and recommendations to guide a business user with average skills through the process of preparing and analyzing data and to encourage collaboration and data sharing across the enterprise.


Machine Learning = Easy Predictive Analytics!

Leverage Machine Learning for Forecasts and Predictions!

Business Users Get Instant Help with Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics!

Here’s some good news! If you want to predict or forecast results for your business, you don’t need to be a data scientist, a statistician, a business analyst, or a rocket scientist! Today, augmented analytics solutions provide all the help a business user will need to gather data, prepare it for analysis and then choose the right algorithm or analytical technique to analyze the data and get clear, easy-to-understand results. ###

Consider Augmented Analytics to Jumpstart Your Dx Initiative!

Dx and Augmented Analytics: A Dynamic Combination!

Integrate Augmented Analytics as a Foundation for Digital Transformation!

Digital Transformation (Dx) is achieved when an organization plans and exploits digital technologies, workflow and processes, and its core capabilities and skills with an enterprise culture that evolves and shifts to engender a digital business model that advances business. Any Dx plan must include a review and appropriate modification of businesses processes, business models, operations, team collaboration and customer relationships. ###

BI Tools Your IT Team AND Your Users Will Love!

BI Tools: Easy for Business Users, Easy for IT to Administer!

A Business Intelligence Solution for Business Users and IT Staff Will Love!

There are many reasons for a business to consider a self-serve business intelligence solution for business users. If properly deployed, BI tools improve productivity, accuracy and speed of decisions and competitive advantage – among other things. ###

Research Studies Reveal Shortcomings in Many Data Literacy Projects: Don’t Let This Happen to You!

Research Studies Reveal Shortcomings in Many Data Literacy Projects: Don’t Let This Happen to You!

Data Literacy is a hot topic in business today.

As businesses struggle to remain competitive and to do more with less, every enterprise is looking for a way to optimize resources, and to get the most out of every team member. To do that, the business management team must leverage the knowledge and skills of each team member as those skills relate to their role and their responsibilities. Businesses must use team member knowledge gleaned from experience and education and merge that knowledge with data and analytics to make context-based, data-driven decisions.


Understanding Digital Transformation: What it Is and What it is Not

Digital Transformation occurs when an organization successfully exploits digital technologies, its processes, its core capabilities and its enterprise culture to create a rich digital business model that will advance the interests and success of the business. To plan and execute a Digital Transformation initiative, a business must understand what Dx is and what it is not and it must use that knowledge to build a comprehensive view of the organization, its current and desired culture and technology environment and its team strengths and weaknesses and customer needs.

Download the Whitepaper: Understanding Digital Transformation: What it Is and What it is Not

The Crucial Role of DevOps in Enterprise Digital Transformation

With the advent of this new reality of global competition and the concept of digital transformation, every organization has had to look long and hard at its processes, including crucial IT design, development, integration and support activities. For Digital Transformation to work, the organization must operate in a world of continuous change with an appropriate mitigation of risk and delay. DevOps can play a crucial role in supporting these business initiatives, but it is clear that DevOps must evolve if it is to fulfill this obligation.

Download the Whitepaper: The Crucial Role of DevOps in Enterprise Digital Transformation