Your Team Can Use Assisted Predictive Modeling!

Predictive Analytics Is Within the Reach of Your Business Users!

Today, business planning is harder than ever. No one knows what is coming next and considering the changes in customer needs and expectations is just one of the issues. How about competition? What about new technology and how it will affect your products and services? What about the need for skills and new training for your team members and candidates? How about access to capital and investors?

Leverage Self Serve Data Preparation for All Users!

Self Service Data Preparation Makes Data Accessible to Business Users!

Preparing data for analysis used to be a long, difficult process performed by IT or data scientists. Needless to say, that process meant that business users could not get the job done. They were forced to make a request, wait for the process to be completed and then, more than likely, for the same team to actually perform the analysis. If the data prep was not accurate or was incomplete, the process starts all over OR produces poor results and, in many cases, those poor results are not obvious to the business user. What does that mean? It means that the business is using information and results that they do not know are wrong!

You Can Have Advanced Analytics AND Augmented!

Shopping for Advanced Analytics? Get Self-Serve Augmented Analytics and Succeed!

There are a lot of business intelligence and analytical tools on the market today and if your business has recognized the need to implement this type of solution for self-serve analytics among business users, it is important to understand the advantages of augmented analytics. Advanced analytics benefits are numerous but, when a business chooses augmented analytics tools, it can ensure that its business users have full access to analytical features and sophisticated techniques without having to learn complex systems and without having to acquire data scientist skills. That ease-of-use takes advanced analytics advantages to the next level by democratizing use and allowing for digital transformation and increased data literacy across the enterprise.

Auto Insights Provide Simple Answers for Business Users!

How Can I Make it Easier for Business Users to Perform Analytics?

When a business wants to roll out advanced analytics to its business users, it must consider the average skill level and understanding of analytical techniques and ensure that the solution it chooses will support its project goals. One of the most important factors of business user analytics is user-friendly, simple analytics in an augmented analytics environment.

Discover Advanced Analytics Advantages!

The Benefits of Augmented Analytics Are Many!

What Are the Advantages of Advanced Analytics?

If you are considering an advanced analytics solution, you are probably wondering what you might get from the solution. Are there real benefits to this type of solution and to the democratization of data and the implementation of a self-serve augmented analytics solution that is meant for business users?


Advantages of Augmented Analytics!

Benefits of Advanced Analytics!

What Are the Benefits of Augmented Analytics?

Augmented Analytics may sound complicated but the goal is to use all those complicated analytical techniques and algorithms as an underpinning for an advanced analytics solution that is suitable for the skills o an average business user. In other words, the system may be complicated, but the interface and process to gather and analyze information is easy!
